首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A >An analogue of the Hilton-Milner theorem for set partitions

An analogue of the Hilton-Milner theorem for set partitions


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Let B(n) denote the collection of all set partitions of [n]. Suppose A?B(n) is a non-trivial t-intersecting family of set partitions i.e. any two members of A have at least t blocks in common, but there is no fixed set of t blocks of size one which belong to all of them. It is proved that for sufficiently large n depending on t,|A|≤B_(n-t)-B~_(n-t)-B~_(n-t-1)+t where B _n is the n-th Bell number and B~n is the number of set partitions of [n] without blocks of size one. Moreover, equality holds if and only if A is equivalent to{P∈B(n):{1},{2},...,{t},{i}∈Pfor somei?{1,2,...,t,n}}∪{Q(i,n):1≤i≤t} where Q(i, n) = {{i, n}} ∪ {{j}: j ∈ [n] {set minus} {i, n}}. This is an analogue of the Hilton-Milner theorem for set partitions.
机译:令B(n)表示[n]的所有集合分区的集合。假设A?B(n)是集合分区的一个非平凡的t相交族,即A的任何两个成员至少有t个共同的块,但是没有固定的一组大小为1的t块属于所有他们。证明对于依赖于t的足够大的n,| A |≤B_(nt)-B〜_(nt)-B〜_(nt-1)+ t,其中B _n是第n个Bell数,B 〜n是[n]个没有大小为1的块的设置分区的数量。此外,当且仅当A等于{P∈B(n):{1},{2},...,{t},{i}∈Pfor somei?{1,2 ,.)时,等式成立。 。,t,n}}∪{Q(i,n):1≤i≤t}其中Q(i,n)= {{i,n}}∪{{j}:j∈[n] {set减} {i,n}}。这是集合分区的Hilton-Milner定理的一个类似物。



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