首页> 外文期刊>Journal of chemical neuroanatomy >Chemoarchitecture and afferent connections of the 'olfactostriatum': a specialized vomeronasal structure within the basal ganglia of snakes.

Chemoarchitecture and afferent connections of the 'olfactostriatum': a specialized vomeronasal structure within the basal ganglia of snakes.


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The olfactostriatum, a portion of the striatal complex of snakes, is the major tertiary vomeronasal structure in the ophidian brain, receiving substantial afferents from the nucleus sphericus, the primary target of accessory olfactory bulb efferents. In the present study, we have characterized the olfactostriatum of garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) on the basis of chemoarchitecture (distribution of serotonin, neuropeptide Y and tyrosine hydroxylase) and hodology (afferent connections). The olfactostriatum is densely immunoreactive for serotonin and neuropeptide Y and shows moderate-to-weak immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase. In addition to afferents from the nucleus sphericus, the olfactostriatum receives inputs from the dorsal and lateral cortices, nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract, external and dorsolateral amygdalae, dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, ventral tegmental area and raphe nuclei. Double labeling experiments demonstrated that the distribution of serotonin and neuropeptide Y inthis area almost completely overlaps the terminal field of projections from the nucleus sphericus. Also, serotonergic and dopaminergic innervation of the olfactostriatum likely arise, respectively, from the raphe nuclei and the ventral tegmental area, whereas local circuit neurons originate the neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity. These results indicate that the olfactostriatum of snakes could be a portion of the nucleus accumbens, with features characteristic of the accumbens shell, devoted to processing vomeronasal information. Comparative data suggest that a similar structure is present in the ventral striatum of amphibians and mammals.
机译:蛇纹石是蛇纹状体复合体的一部分,是蛇怪脑中主要的三级犁鼻结构,从球状核(附属嗅球的主要靶标)接受大量传入。在本研究中,我们已经根据化学结构(5-羟色胺,神经肽Y和酪氨酸羟化酶的分布)和形态学(afferent连接)表征了吊袜蛇(Thamnophis sirtalis)的嗅纹。嗅纹乳球对5-羟色胺和神经肽Y具有浓密的免疫反应性,对酪氨酸羟化酶显示中等至弱的免疫反应性。除了球状核的传入神经外,嗅纹肌还从背侧和外侧皮质,副嗅道核,外侧和背外侧杏仁核,背侧丘脑丘脑核,腹侧被盖区和and核获得输入。双重标记实验表明,血清素和神经肽Y在该区域的分布几乎完全重叠了来自球形核的投影的末端区域。同样,嗅纹肌的血清素能和多巴胺能神经支配可能分别来自缝核和腹侧被盖区,而局部回路神经元则引发神经肽Y免疫反应。这些结果表明,蛇的嗅纹肌可能是伏隔核的一部分,具有伏隔壳的特征,专门用于处理犁鼻信息。比较数据表明,两栖动物和哺乳动物的腹侧纹状体中存在相似的结构。



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