首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan >Application of a Microreactor in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene on Calcium Hydroxyapatite and Magnesium ortho-Vanadate Doped and Undoped with Palladium

Application of a Microreactor in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene on Calcium Hydroxyapatite and Magnesium ortho-Vanadate Doped and Undoped with Palladium


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A microreactor was employed for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene in order to suppress a deep oxidation of the resultant propylene to CO and CO,. Magnesium ortho-vanadate, doped and undoped with palladium, and calcium hydroxyapatite, were used as catalysts while the reaction temperature was controlled by steady- and unsteady-state conditions. The enhancement of the selectivity to propylene was the most advantageous effect from using the microreactor, and it occurred when calcium hydroxyapatite was used under an unsteady-state. For example, the selectivity to propylene was 0 and 73.0% using a fixed-bed continuous-Bow reactor and the microreactor, respectively, under almost identical propane conversion of 3.1 and 3.2%, respectively. The advantageous effect was also achieved, although to a lesser degree, when magnesium ortho-vanadate was used undoped with palladium under both steady- and unsteady-state conditions. However these advantageous effects of the microreactor were not observed with magnesium ortho-vanadate doped with palladium. With regard to the selectivity to propylene, the redox nature of the catalysts seemed to influence the performance of the microreactor.
机译:为了抑制所得的丙烯向CO和CO 2的深度氧化,使用微型反应器将丙烷氧化脱氢为丙烯。掺杂和不掺杂钯的原钒酸镁和羟基磷灰石钙用作催化剂,而反应温度受稳态和非稳态条件控制。使用微反应器对丙烯的选择性的增强是最有利的效果,并且当在不稳定状态下使用羟基磷灰石钙时会发生。例如,在固定床连续Bow反应器和微反应器中,丙烷的转化率几乎相同,分别为3.1%和3.2%,对丙烯的选择性分别为0和73.0%。当在稳态和非稳态条件下使用原钒酸镁不掺钯时,虽然程度较小,但也获得了有益的效果。但是,用钯掺杂的原钒酸镁未观察到微反应器的这些有利作用。关于对丙烯的选择性,催化剂的氧化还原性质似乎影响微反应器的性能。



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