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What Controls Seasonal Variations of the Diurnal Cycle of Sea Surface Temperature in the Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean?


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Recent in situ buoy observations revealed interesting seasonal features of the diurnal sea surface temperature cycle (DSST) in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean. Composite analysis shows that areas away from the equator exhibit stronger seasonal variations of DSST, while weaker seasonal variations appear near the equator. The most interesting characteristic is the distinctive contrast of the seasonal variations of DSST between the Bay of Bengal (BOB) and the region south of the equator (particularly around 12 degrees S). While the range of DSST is weakest in the BOB during boreal summer, it has its largest range around 12 degrees S in austral summer. Furthermore, BOB DSST exhibits two peaks that occur during the monsoon transitions (March-April and October), whereas DSST south of the equator shows only a single peak in its annual cycle.Using a one-dimensional, oceanic, mixed layer model, the authors examined the cause of the distinctive annual cycles of DSST north and south of the equator. Two parallel experiments were conducted at buoy sites 12 degrees N, 90 degrees E and 12 degrees S, 80.5 degrees E driven by surface forcing from the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) product. The results demonstrated that, in the BOB, both surface shortwave radiation and wind stress contribute to the March maximum, whereas the wind stress alone drives the October maximum. In contrast, the seasonal variation of DSST south of the equator is primarily caused by the annual cycle of the wind stress, which is extremely weak in austral summer near the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). How the monsoon and ITCZ modulate the distinctive annual cycles of DSST is discussed.
机译:最近的原位浮标观测表明,热带印度洋东部的昼夜海表温度周期(DSST)具有有趣的季节性特征。综合分析表明,距赤道较远的地区表现出DSST的季节性变化较大,而距赤道较弱的季节变化则出现。最有趣的特征是孟加拉湾(BOB)与赤道以南地区(特别是12度左右)之间DSST季节性变化的鲜明对比。在夏季,BOB的DSST范围最弱,而在夏季,其最大范围约为12S。此外,BOB DSST表现出在季风过渡期间(3月至4月和10月)出现的两个峰值,而赤道以南的DSST在其年度周期中仅显示一个峰值。使用一维海洋混合层模型,作者研究了赤道​​以北和以南DSST独特的年周期的原因。现代研究与应用回顾性分析(MERRA)产品通过表面强迫驱动,在北纬12度,东经90度和北纬12度,东经80.5度的浮标上进行了两个平行实验。结果表明,在BOB中,表面短波辐射和风应力都是3月最大值的原因,而风应力仅是10月最大值的原因。相比之下,赤道以南DSST的季节变化主要是由风应力的年周期引起的,在热带辐合带(ITCZ)附近的夏季,这种应力非常弱。讨论了季风和ITCZ如何调节DSST独特的年周期。



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