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Committee Reports Biennial Conference Committee:2006 Site


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The 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) will be held from July 30 through August 3,2006 at Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN.The conference General Chair will be Bill Robinson (Purdue),the Program Co-Chairs will be Mickey Sarquis (Miami University,Ohio) and Arlene Russell (UCLA).The original BCCE schedule was to hold the 19th BCCE at Sacred Heart University,in Fairfield,CT,in the summer of 2006.Sadly,however,Babu George,the BCCE General Chair,died early in 2004.The Biennial Conference Committee,along with the entire Division of Chemical Education,deeply mourns his passing.Babu George's untimely death left the Sacred Heart BCCE planning group with the monumental task of recreating many of his plans in a very short time.Therefore the Biennial Conference Committee suggested that the Sacred Heart faculty might consider postponing hosting the conference until 2008 to provide sufficient time to develop the program and site-specific physical elements required for a successful conference.After much deep consideration,the Sacred Heart organizers decided to withdraw their plans for the 2006 BCCE and work to submit a proposal for 2008.
机译:第19届化学教育双年度会议(BCCE)将于2006年7月30日至8月3日在印第安纳州西拉斐特的普渡大学举行。会议的总主席将是比尔·罗宾逊(Purdue),该计划的联合主席将是米奇萨基斯(俄亥俄州的迈阿密大学)和阿琳·罗素(UCLA)。最初的BCCE时间表是于2006年夏天在康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德的圣心大学举行第19届BCCE。然而,不幸的是,BCCE秘书长巴布·乔治(Babu George)主席,死于2004年初。两年一次的会议委员会以及整个化学教育部深切哀悼他的逝世。巴布·乔治(Babu George)的过世去世使圣心BCCE规划小组承担了艰巨的任务,即在非常因此,每两年召开一次的会议委员会建议圣心教师考虑将会议的举办时间推迟到2008年,以便有足够的时间来制定计划和成功所需要的特定地点的物理要素经过深思熟虑后,圣心组织者决定撤回他们对2006 BCCE的计划,并致力于为2008年提交提案。



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