首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Ecology: Official Journal of the International Society of Chemical Ecology >Variation in Chemical Defense Among Natural Populations of Common Toad, Bufo bufo, Tadpoles: the Role of Environmental Factors

Variation in Chemical Defense Among Natural Populations of Common Toad, Bufo bufo, Tadpoles: the Role of Environmental Factors


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Defensive toxins are widespread in nature, yet we know little about how various environmental factors shape the evolution of chemical defense, especially in vertebrates. In this study we investigated the natural variation in the amount and composition of bufadienolide toxins, and the relative importance of ecological factors in predicting that variation, in larvae of the common toad, Bufo bufo, an amphibian that produces toxins de novo. We found that tadpoles' toxin content varied markedly among populations, and the number of compounds per tadpole also differed between two geographical regions. The most consistent predictor of toxicity was the strength of competition, indicating that tadpoles produced more compounds and larger amounts of toxins when coexisting with more competitors. Additionally, tadpoles tended to contain larger concentrations of bufadienolides in ponds that were less prone to desiccation, suggesting that the costs of toxin production can only be afforded by tadpoles that do not need to drastically speed up their development. Interestingly, this trade-off was not alleviated by higher food abundance, as periphyton biomass had negligible effect on chemical defense. Even more surprisingly, we found no evidence that higher predation risk enhances chemical defenses, suggesting that low predictability of predation risk and high mortality cost of low toxicity might select for constitutive expression of chemical defense irrespective of the actual level of predation risk. Our findings highlight that the variation in chemical defense may be influenced by environmental heterogeneity in both the need for, and constraints on, toxicity as predicted by optimal defense theory.
机译:防御性毒素在自然界很普遍,但是我们对各种环境因素如何影响化学防御的演变(尤其是在脊椎动物中)知之甚少。在这项研究中,我们调查了蟾蜍二烯内酯毒素的数量和组成的自然变化,以及生态因素在预测蟾蜍幼虫Bufo bufo的幼虫中的变化的相对重要性,Bufo bufo是一种从头产生毒素的两栖动物。我们发现that的毒素含量在不同人群之间有显着差异,并且每个t的化合物数量在两个地理区域之间也有所不同。毒性的最一致预测因子是竞争强度,表明与更多竞争者共存时,produced产生更多的化合物和更多的毒素。另外,t在池塘中往往含有较高浓度的丁二烯内酯,不那么容易干燥,这表明毒素的生产成本只能由dr来承担,而need不需要大幅加快其发展。有趣的是,这种折衷并不能通过提高食物丰度来缓解,因为浮游生物的生物量对化学防御的影响可以忽略不计。更令人惊讶的是,我们没有发现更高的捕食风险可增强化学防御的证据,这表明与实际的捕食风险水平无关,低的捕食风险可预测性和低毒性的高死亡率可能会选择化学防御的组成型表达。我们的发现突出表明,化学防御的变化可能受到环境异质性的影响,如最佳防御理论所预测的那样,在对毒性的需求和约束方面,异质性均受到影响。


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