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Natures Our Atmosphere in the Year of Planet Earth


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Since the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and UNESCO have declared 2007-2009 the International Year of Planet Earth (Figure 1), we would be remiss if we did not alert our readers to the Year of Planet Earth supplement to Nature [2008, 451,January 17, 257-303] that covers several aspects of climate change and its effect on society, We want to emphasize that the entire series of excellent articles and essays is worth reading and lends itself to classroom discussions and reflections on anthropogenic effects on global climate, challenges for society, and the need for sustainability measures in the years to come. Educators might also want to browse http://www.yearofplanetearth.org/ (accessed Nov 2008) for downloadable resource material related to various Earth science topics.
机译:自从国际地质科学联盟(IUGS)和联合国教科文组织宣布2007-2009年为国际地球年(图1)以来,如果我们不提醒读者注意地球年对自然的补充[2008 ,451,January 17,257-303],涵盖了气候变化及其对社会的影响的几个方面,我们想强调的是,整个系列的优秀文章和论文值得一读,并有助于课堂讨论和对人为影响的反思关于全球气候,对社会的挑战以及未来几年中需要采取可持续性措施的问题。教育工作者还可能希望浏览http://www.yearofplanetearth.org/(2008年11月访问),以获取与各种地球科学主题相关的可下载资源材料。



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