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Got Bio? A Short Course Introducing Students to the Applications of Biochemistry


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Have you ever thought about which pigments are found in tattoos and how laser treatment eliminates the pigmentation? In pursuit of losing weight, have you considered why artificial sweeteners are advertised as low calorie? During a four-week South Carolina Governor's School course, Got Bio?, high school students were introduced to the biochemistry behind some of the latest trends related to tattooing, dieting, and drug treatment. The course was taught by conventional lectures that were reinforced by innovative hands-on activities and laboratory experiments that required critical thinking. Topics were the chemistry of color, fuel metabolism, and basic drug design. Got Bio? introduced students to the field of biochemistry to help them understand and appreciate that the world around them is not abstract but concrete.
机译:您是否想过在纹身中发现哪些色素,以及激光治疗如何消除色素沉着?为了减肥,您是否考虑过为什么将人造甜味剂宣传为低卡路里?在为期四周的南卡罗来纳州州长学校课程Got Bio?中,向中学生介绍了生物化学的背后最新趋势,这些趋势涉及纹身,节食和药物治疗。该课程由常规讲座讲授,而创新的动手活动和需要批判性思维的实验室实验进一步加强了该课程。主题是颜色化学,燃料代谢和基本药物设计。有生物吗?向学生介绍了生物化学领域,以帮助他们理解和欣赏他们周围的世界不是抽象的而是具体的。



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