首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data: the ACS Journal for Data >Distribution of a Monovalent Anion in Various Ionic Liquid/Water Biphasic Systems: Relationship of the Distribution Ratio of Picrate Ions with the Aqueous Solubility of Ionic Liquids

Distribution of a Monovalent Anion in Various Ionic Liquid/Water Biphasic Systems: Relationship of the Distribution Ratio of Picrate Ions with the Aqueous Solubility of Ionic Liquids


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The distribution of picrate anions in various ionic liquid (IL)/water biphasic systems was investigated at 298.2 K-The ILs were l-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexa-fluorophosphate, l-butyI-3-methylimidazolium bis-(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, l-hexyl-3-methylimidazo-lium hexafluorophosphate, l-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis-(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide, l-methyl-3-octylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, l-methyl-3-octylimidazo-lium hexafluorophosphate, l-methyl-3-octylimidazolium bis-(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, l-methyl-3-octylimidazo-lium bis(pentafluoroethanesulfonyl)amide, l~butyl-2,3-dime-thvlimidazolium bisf'trifluoromethanesulfonvnamide. 1-butvl-1 methylpyrrolidmium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, methyltrioctylammonmm bis(trifluoiomethanesulfonyl)amide, 1 butyhmidazolmm bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, and 1 butylpyrrolidiruum bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide The distribution ratios in dilute conditions (D°) and the aqueous solubilities of the ILs (square root of the solubility product, K_(sp) ) were determined The extractability of the picrate anion generally increases with increasing hydrophobicity of the IL cation (C~+) and increasing hydrophilicity of the IL anion (A ) For the ILs with different C~+ but the same AT, the log D° vs log K_(sp) plot generally gives a linear relationship with a slope of—1, when the ILs have similar K_(sp)~(1/2) values, the D° value decreases m the C~+ order, protic cations 1,3 dialkylimidazohum cations >other cations For the ILs comprising different A but the same C~+, the log D° versus log K_(sp)~(1/2) plot is close to a linear line with a slope of 1 These regularities can be explained on the basis of the extraction mechanism including both the ion pair extraction with C~+ and the ion exchange with A~-
机译:研究了在298.2 K下各种离子液体(IL)/水双相系统中苦味阴离子的分布-ILs是1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐,l-butI-3-甲基咪唑双-(三氟甲磺酰基)酰胺, 1-己基-3-甲基咪唑鎓六氟磷酸酯,1-己基-3-甲基咪唑鎓双(三氟甲磺酰基)酰胺,1-甲基-3-辛基咪唑四氟硼酸酯,1-甲基-3-辛基咪唑鎓六氟磷酸酯,1-甲基-3 -辛基咪唑双-(三氟甲磺酰基)酰胺,1-甲基-3-辛咪唑基-双双(五氟乙磺酰基)酰胺,1-丁基-2,3-二苯甲基咪唑基双-三氟甲磺酰基酰胺。双(三氟甲磺酰基)酰胺的1-butvl-1甲基吡咯烷酮,双(三氟甲磺酰基)酰胺的甲基三辛基lammonmm,双(三氟甲磺酰基)酰胺的1-丁基咪唑醇和双(三氟甲磺酰基)酰胺的1-丁基吡咯烷基钌的分布比例确定ILs(溶解度积的平方根K_(sp))。通常,随着IL阳离子的疏水性(C〜+)的疏水性增加和IL阴离子的亲水性(A)的增加,苦味酸根阴离子的可萃取性也随之增加。在C〜+不同但AT相同的情况下,当IL的K_(sp)〜(1/2)值相似时,对数D°与对数K_(sp)的关系通常呈线性关系,斜率为-1。 D°值按C〜+顺序降低,质子阳离子 1,3二烷基咪唑鎓阳离子>其他阳离子对于包含不同A但C〜+相同的IL,log D°与log K_(sp)〜(1 / 2)曲线接近斜率为1的直线。根据萃取机理进行说明,包括使用C〜+进行离子对萃取和使用A〜-进行离子交换



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