首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data: the ACS Journal for Data >Speeds of sound, densities, isobaric thermal expansion, compressibilities, and internal pressures of heptan-1-ol, octan-1-ol, nonan-1-ol, and decan-1-ol at temperatures from (293 to 318) K and pressures up to 100 MPa

Speeds of sound, densities, isobaric thermal expansion, compressibilities, and internal pressures of heptan-1-ol, octan-1-ol, nonan-1-ol, and decan-1-ol at temperatures from (293 to 318) K and pressures up to 100 MPa

机译:在(293至318)K和以下温度下,庚烷1-ol,辛烷1-ol,壬烷1-ol和癸烷1-ol的声速,密度,等压热膨胀,可压缩性和内压。压力高达100 MPa

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The speeds of sound in heptan-1-ol, octan-1-ol, and nonan-1-ol at pressures up to 101 MPa and in decan-1-ol at pressures up to 76 MPa have been measured within the temperature range of (293 to 318) K. The densities have been measured in the same temperature range under atmospheric pressure. The densities, isobaric heat capacities, isentropic and isothermal compressibilities, isobaric thermal expansions, and internal pressures as functions of temperature and pressure have been calculated using the experimental results and the literature isobaric heat capacities for the atmospheric pressure. A modified method, based on the suggestion of Davis and Gordon (J. Chem. Phys. 1967, 46, 2650-2660), has been applied. The effect of pressure and temperature on the isothermal compressibility, isobaric thermal expansion, isobaric heat capacity, and internal pressure is discussed.
机译:在最高温度为101 MPa的条件下测量了庚醇1-醇,辛醇1-醇和壬醇1-醇和癸醇1-醇在最高压力为76 MPa时的声速。 (293至318)K。密度是在大气压下于相同温度范围内测量的。密度,等压热容,等熵和等温压缩率,等压热膨胀和内部压力随温度和压力的变化,已使用实验结果和文献等压热容计算得出。基于戴维斯和戈登的建议(J. Chem。Phys。1967,46,2650-2660),已应用一种改进的方法。讨论了压力和温度对等温压缩性,等压热膨胀,等压热容和内部压力的影响。



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