首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism: Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism >Simultaneous measurements of pial arteriolar diameter and laser-Doppler flow during somatosensory stimulation.

Simultaneous measurements of pial arteriolar diameter and laser-Doppler flow during somatosensory stimulation.


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We simultaneously measured pial arteriolar diameter and changes in cortical blood flow during activation of the somatosensory cortex by sciatic nerve stimulation. The pial vasculature was visualized with a closed-cranial window technique in chloralose-anesthetized rats (n = 13). Local blood flow was monitored with laser-Doppler flowmetry. During stimulation of the sciatic nerve (0.2 V, 5 Hz, 20 s), vascular diameter and laser-Doppler flow consistently displayed similar response profiles. With 0.5-ms stimulation pulses, the responses showed an initial peak followed by a smaller but sustained plateau dilation. In contrast, 5-ms pulses evoked a monotonically rising response. Our results support the concept that pial arteriolar diameter changes reflect cortical blood flow responses during somatosensory stimulation.
机译:在坐骨神经刺激激活体感皮层的过程中,我们同时测量了皮层小动脉直径和皮层血流量的变化。在氯醛糖麻醉的大鼠(n = 13)中,通过闭合颅窗技术观察了脑膜的脉管系统。用激光多普勒血流仪监测局部血流。在刺激坐骨神经(0.2 V,5 Hz,20 s)期间,血管直径和激光多普勒血流始终显示出相似的响应曲线。在0.5毫秒的刺激脉冲下,响应显示出一个初始峰值,随后出现较小但持续的平台扩张。相反,5毫秒的脉冲引起单调上升的响应。我们的结果支持这样的概念,即在体感刺激过程中,小动脉直径变化反映了皮层的血流反应。



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