首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology >Focal initiation of sustained and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia in a canine model of ischemic cardiomyopathy

Focal initiation of sustained and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia in a canine model of ischemic cardiomyopathy


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Focal Initiation of Ventricular Tachycardia in Ischemic HF. Introduction: To define the role of focal and reentrant mechanisms underlying nonsustained (NSVT) and sustained ventricular tachycardia (SuVT) induced by programmed stimulation, 3-dimensional cardiac mapping was performed in 8 dogs with heart failure (HF) created by multiple intracoronary microsphere embolizations. Methods and Results: Continuous recording from 232 intramural sites throughout the left and right ventricles and the interventricular septum was performed during programmed stimulation in the absence and presence of isoproterenol (Iso, 0.1 μg/kg/min). Sinus beats and the last extrastimuli preceding induced VT conducted with total activation times (TA) of 51 ± 10 and 111 ± 8 milliseconds, respectively, that did not change during Iso infusion (47 ± 4 and 109 ± 5 milliseconds, P = NS). NSVT was induced in 75% of HF dogs; SuVT was induced in 38%. In all cases, initiation and maintenance of SuVT and NSVT arose by a focal mechanism. Compared to NSVT, SuVT had a shorter coupling interval (CI; 150 ± 7 vs 186 ± 16, P < 0.05) and a predilection for certain critical subendocardial initiation sites (that were initiation sites for only 29% of NSVT beats). After 21-30 beats, acceleration of SuVT by a focal mechanism to a CI less than 120 milliseconds led to functional conduction delay (TA increasing from 111 ± 3 to 137 ± 3 milliseconds, P < 0.0001), intramural reentry, and transition to ventricular fibrillation. Conclusions: Thus, initiation of SuVT in a model of ischemic HF is due to a focal mechanism. However, subsequent acceleration of this focal mechanism can ultimately lead to functional conduction delay and development of intramural reentry.
机译:缺血性HF心室性心动过速的局灶性起搏。简介:为了确定程序性刺激诱发的非持续性(NSVT)和持续性室性心动过速(SuVT)的局灶性和折返机制的作用,对8例由多次冠状动脉内微球栓塞形成的心力衰竭(HF)的狗进行了3维心脏标测。方法和结果:在不存在和存在异丙肾上腺素(Iso,0.1μg/ kg / min)的程序刺激期间,连续记录了整个左右心室和室间隔的232个壁内部位。窦性心律搏动和诱发性VT前的最后一个外刺激的总激活时间(TA)分别为51±10和111±8毫秒,在等速输注期间没有变化(47±4和109±5毫秒,P = NS) 。 75%的HF犬诱发了NSVT; SuVT的发生率为38%。在所有情况下,SuVT和NSVT的启动和维持都是通过一种聚焦机制引起的。与NSVT相比,SuVT的耦合间隔更短(CI; 150±7 vs 186±16,P <0.05),并且对某些关键的心内膜下起始点(仅占NSVT搏动的29%的起始点)有偏爱。在21-30次搏动后,通过聚焦机制将SuVT加速至CI小于120毫秒会导致功能性传导延迟(TA从111±3毫秒增加至137±3毫秒,P <0.0001),壁内折返和过渡到心室颤动。结论:因此,在缺血性HF模型中SuVT的启动是由于病灶机制引起的。但是,这种聚焦机制的后续加速最终会导致功能传导延迟和壁内折返的发展。



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