首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology >Narrow complex tachycardia after slow pathway ablation: continue ablating?

Narrow complex tachycardia after slow pathway ablation: continue ablating?


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A 37-year-old woman was referred for electrophysiologic study for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Resting 12-lead surface ECG revealed normal sinus rhythm without preexcitation. An electrophysiologic study was performed in the absence of medications. At baseline, the A-H interval was 58 ms and the H-V interval was 50 ms at 55 bpm. Typical slow-fast AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) with a cycle length (CL) of 360 ms was easily induced by ventricular and atrial pacing.Ablation lesions were placed in the presumptive slow pathway region between the tricuspid valve annulus and coronary sinus ostium, inducing slow junctional beats. Following ab-lation, atrial and ventricular pacing were repeated with occasional AV nodal echo beats but no inducible tachycardia. During isoproterenol infusion of 2 mcg/min narrow complex tachycardia occurred (Fig. 1). What is the mechanism of the tachycardia?
机译:一名37岁的妇女因阵发性室上性心动过速而被电生理检查。静息的12导联表面心电图显示窦性心律正常,无预激。在没有药物的情况下进行了电生理研究。在基线时,A / H间隔为58毫秒,H-V间隔为55 bpm的50毫秒。心室起搏和心房起搏很容易诱发典型的慢速房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT),周期长度(CL)为360 ms。诱导缓慢的节拍。消融后,反复进行心房和心室起搏,偶有AV淋巴结回跳,但无可诱发的心动过速。在异丙肾上腺素以2 mcg / min的速度输注期间,发生了狭窄的复杂性心动过速(图1)。心动过速的机制是什么?



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