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Tilt-table testing in the evaluation of syncope.


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The vasovagal or "common" faint is both the most frequent of all forms of syncope and by far the predominant cause of fainting in otherwise healthy individuals. Establishing a diagnosis of vasovagal syncope is usually possible by careful review of the patient's medical history, with particular attention being directed to the history of events immediately surrounding the loss of consciousness spells. Specifically, the physician must address the clinical circumstances associated with the onset of loss of consciousness, as well as symptoms both accompanying the faint itself and occurring during the recovery period. The "classic" vasovagal faint is often triggered by identifiable circumstances (e.g., unpleasant sights, emotional upset, pain, prolonged upright posture, hot crowded environments), and after recovery the victim frequently complains of a persistent sense of feeling fatigued. Additionally, eye-witness observations should be sought by the physician in order to help to complete the clinical picture of the symptomatic events. The bystander may report the vasovagal fainter to have been pale and "clammy," or to have complained of feeling nauseated or generally unwell. However, in many cases (and especially in older individuals) the "classic" markers of vasovagal syncope are absent, and historical features alone are inadequate to establish a confident diagnosis. In such cases, even the experienced clinician may desire additional diagnostic evidence in order to feel comfortable. Moreover, the fainter may develop a greater sense of confidence in the physician's diagnosis if additional evaluation is obtained, particularly if that evaluation permits reproduction of the patient's symptoms at a time when these symptoms can be witnessed by the medical practitioner.
机译:血管迷走神经或“普通”晕厥是所有形式晕厥中最常见的,也是迄今为止在其他健康个体中晕厥的主要原因。通常可以通过仔细检查患者的病史来确定血管迷走性晕厥的诊断,尤其要注意与意识丧失有关的事件的历史。具体而言,医师必须解决与意识丧失发作相关的临床情况,以及伴随晕厥本身并在恢复期间出现的症状。 “典型的”血管迷走神经晕厥通常是由可识别的情况引起的(例如,不愉快的视线,情绪低落,疼痛,长时间的直立姿势,炎热的拥挤环境),康复后受害者经常抱怨持续感到疲倦。另外,医师应寻求目击者的观察,以帮助完成症状事件的临床表现。旁观者可能会报告血管迷走神经苍白,苍白,“笨拙”,或者抱怨感到恶心或总体不适。但是,在许多情况下(尤其是在老年人中),没有血管迷走性晕厥的“经典”标记,仅靠历史特征不足以建立可靠的诊断。在这种情况下,即使经验丰富的临床医生也可能需要其他诊断证据才能感到舒适。此外,如果获得额外的评估,尤其是当评估允许在医生可以目睹这些症状的时候再现患者的症状时,隐隐会变得对医生的诊断更有信心。



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