首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology >Randomised trial of vindesine and etoposide +/- dexverapamil in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: first results.

Randomised trial of vindesine and etoposide +/- dexverapamil in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: first results.


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To determine whether the chemotherapy resistance of non-small cell lung cancer could be modified by oral dexverapamil, the D-isomer of verapamil, 54 patients were entered into a randomised phase II study of oral dexverapamil plus chemotherapy (vindesine/etoposide) (arm B) versus chemotherapy (arm A) alone in January 1994. Chemotherapy consisted of intravenous vindesine 3 mg/m2 bolus on days one and five and etoposide 140 mg/m2 on days two and four. Dexverapamil was given for six days, 1500 mg a day divided into six doses of 250 mg every four hours starting 24 h prior to chemotherapy. According to the individual tolerability, the single dose could be increased up to a maximum of 400 mg. Cycles were repeated 3 weekly up to four courses. At this stage of the analysis, 34 patients (18 in arm A and 16 in arm B) are evaluable for toxicity and response. Cardiovascular side effects were more marked in the patient group with dexverapamil. On average, the dose of dexverapamil was 1800 mg a day. There were 5 partial remissions (31.3%) and 9 no changes (56.3%) in the group with dexverapamil as opposed to 2 partial remissions (11.1%) and 6 no changes (33.3%) in the group without dexverapamil. As far as the preliminary results show, the addition of dexverapamil to vindesine/etoposide chemotherapy in this study seems to be associated with improved outcome.
机译:为了确定非小细胞肺癌的化疗耐药性是否可以通过维拉帕米的D-异构体口服右维拉帕米来改善,将54例患者纳入了口服右维拉帕米加化疗(长春地辛/依托泊苷)的随机II期研究(B组) )与1994年1月单独使用化疗(A组)进行比较。化学疗法包括在第1天和第5天静脉注射长春地辛3 mg / m2推注,在第2天和第4天进行依托泊苷140 mg / m2的静注。从化疗开始的24小时开始,给予Dexverapamil六天,每天1500 mg,分为六剂,每四小时250 mg。根据个人的耐受性,单剂量可以增加到最大400 mg。每周重复3个周期,最多四个疗程。在分析的这一阶段,可以评估34例患者(A组18例,B组16例)的毒性和反应性。右旋维拉帕米组患者的心血管副作用更为明显。右旋维拉帕米的平均剂量为每天1800 mg。右旋维拉帕米组有5例部分缓解(31.3%)和9例无变化(56.3%),而右旋维拉帕米组有2例部分缓解(11.1%)和6例无变化(33.3%)。据初步结果显示,在这项研究中,在长春地辛/依托泊苷化学疗法中加入右旋维拉帕米似乎与改善预后有关。



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