首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology >Experience of quadrantectomy with axillary dissection without radiotherapy sustained by serial pathological examination for stage I breast cancer.

Experience of quadrantectomy with axillary dissection without radiotherapy sustained by serial pathological examination for stage I breast cancer.


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Breast conserving treatment usually consists of lumpectomy and axillary dissection followed by a limited dose of irradiation so that no significant side-effects occur. However, the precision of lumpectomy depends on the surgical maneuver and pathological evaluation performed at each institution. For this reason, post-operative irradiation to the preserved breast and for the occult carcinoma in the same breast is absolutely mandatory, and effectively becomes a routine step. In 1986, we started to adopt the new breast-conservation method of quadranectomy with axillary dissection for restricted stage I breast cancer without using radiotherapy, at the Cancer Institute Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. As an alternative to irradiation to ensure safety, we chose to administer an elaborate pathological examination on serial sections. The pathological proof has saved troublesome post-operative irradiation, and the results have shown this method to be safe and clear-cut compared to the traditional breast-conserving treatment cited in the literature. From July 1986 to December 1994, we performed 321 cases of quadranectomy and axillary dissection (Q+Ax). If the detailed pathological examination of 5-mm serial sections revealed the stump to be negative, we did not treat the preserved breast with radiotherapy. Out of 321 cases, 247 were analyzed as being stump-negative and of these 235 did not receive radiotherapy at all. During a 5 year 4 month observation period, we have not yet encountered any local recurrence. However, we have experienced 4 cases (1.70%) in which a second cancer developed in the conserved breast. The annual incidence rate was 0.32%. These results are the best so far compared to other published world reports.
机译:保乳治疗通常包括肿块切除术和腋窝淋巴结清扫术,然后进行有限剂量的放射,因此不会出现明显的副作用。但是,肿块切除术的精度取决于每个机构进行的手术操作和病理评估。因此,对保留的乳房和同一乳房中的隐匿性癌进行术后照射是绝对必要的,并且有效地成为常规步骤。 1986年,我们开始在日本东京的癌症研究所医院采用四肢切除加腋窝淋巴结清扫的新保乳方法,用于不使用放疗的限制性I期乳腺癌。作为确保安全的替代照射,我们选择对连续切片进行精心的病理检查。病理证明节省了麻烦的术后放射,结果表明,与文献中引用的传统保乳治疗相比,该方法安全,明确。从1986年7月到1994年12月,我们进行了321例四肢切除和腋窝淋巴结清扫术(Q + Ax)。如果对5毫米连续切片进行详细的病理检查,发现残端为阴性,则我们不对保留的乳房进行放射治疗。在321例病例中,有247例被分析为树桩阴性,其中235例根本没有接受放射治疗。在5年4个月的观察期内,我们尚未遇到任何局部复发。但是,我们经历了4例(1.70%)的病例,在保守的乳房中发生了第二种癌症。年发病率为0.32%。与其他已发布的世界报道相比,这些结果是迄今为止最好的。



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