首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cancer education: the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education >HPV knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs among Northern Plains American Indian adolescents, parents, young adults, and health professionals

HPV knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs among Northern Plains American Indian adolescents, parents, young adults, and health professionals


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Native American women in the Northern Plains have a high prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) and high incidence of cervical disease and cervical cancer. HPV vaccination coverage is shown to be lower among nonwhite populations and disparity populations. We assessed HPV knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs towards HPV and HPV vaccination during a community-based participatory research project among tribal youth, young adults, parents, and health professionals. In 2009, we recruited a total of 73 individuals to participate in four tribal focus groups: tribal health providers, (n = 10), Indian Health Service providers (n = 7), young adult women ages 19-26 (n = 22), girls (14-18) (n = 18), and parents (n = 16). Of these, 62 (84.93 %) completed a survey, which included 10 healthcare providers, 22 young adults, 14 teens, and 16 parents. We employed a qualitative thematic analysis of focus group transcript data and conducted frequency analysis of survey data, which were both reviewed and triangulated by a Community Advisory Board. Based on the results of this study, the tribal community advisory board identified local tribal settings for interventions to increase HPV vaccination coverage through health education classes and a school-based vaccination clinic. In addition to tribal community-wide education events to increase awareness of HPV disease, the HPV vaccine, provider-specific training was identified as a potential intervention. These community-based focus group findings underscore the importance of locally and cultural tailored educational interventions to further increase HPV knowledge and HPV vaccination among disparate populations like American Indian adolescent and young adult women.
机译:北部平原的美洲原住民妇女患乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的患病率很高,宫颈疾病和宫颈癌的发病率也很高。非白人人群和差异人群的HPV疫苗接种率较低。在部落青年,年轻人,父母和卫生专业人员的社区参与研究项目中,我们评估了HPV对HPV和HPV疫苗接种的知识,态度和信念。 2009年,我们总共招募了73个人参加四个部落焦点小组活动:部落卫生服务提供者(n = 10),印度卫生服务提供者(n = 7),19-26岁的成年女性(n = 22) ,女孩(14-18)(n = 18)和父母(n = 16)。其中,有62位(84.93%)完成了一项调查,其中包括10位医疗保健提供者,22位年轻人,14位青少年和16位父母。我们对焦点小组的笔录数据进行了定性的主题分析,并对调查数据进行了频率分析,并由社区咨询委员会进行了审查和三角剖分。根据这项研究的结果,部落社区咨询委员会确定了当地部落环境,以通过健康教育班级和学校疫苗接种诊所来增加HPV疫苗接种覆盖率。除了部落社区全民教育活动以提高对HPV疾病的认识外,HPV疫苗,提供者特定的培训也被认为是一种潜在的干预措施。这些基于社区的焦点小组调查结果强调了本地和文化量身定制的教育干预措施的重要性,这些干预措施对于进一步增加不同人群(如美洲印第安人的青少年和成年女性)中的HPV知识和HPV疫苗接种十分重要。



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