首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: The International Journal of Theoredtical and Basic Aspects of Adhesion Science and Its Applications in All Areas of Technology >The effect of the Thymus vulgaris extracts on the physicochemical characteristics of cedar wood using angle contact measurement

The effect of the Thymus vulgaris extracts on the physicochemical characteristics of cedar wood using angle contact measurement


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The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of crude extracts of Thymus vulgaris on wood surface physicochemical characteristics. Thus, the Lifshitz-van der Waals (γ~(LW)), acid-base (surface tension components AGiwi, electron donor (γ~-) and electron acceptor (γ~+) parameters of untreated and treated wood were assessed using contact angle measurement. The main results showed that all T. vulgaris extracts are able to change wood surface properties. Indeed, the samples treated with the product obtained by maceration and ultrasound indicated the hydrophilic character (θ_w = 29.7±0.3°, AGiwi=17. 78±0.48mJ/m2 and θ_w= 18.2 ±0.2°, AGiwi = 30.62 ±0.31 mJ/m~2) respectively, and had less contact angle values than that of untreated wood (θ_w = 86.0 ± 0.2°). In addition, this treatment has made the wood more donor (γ~- =44.76 ±0.3 mJ/m~2 and γ~- = 53.80 ±0.3 mJ/m~2) than the electron acceptor compared to sample control (γ~+ = 2.03 ± 0.04 mJ/m~2). Finally, the effect of the extract obtained by ultrasound was found to be more important and significant than those recovered by classical extraction.
机译:该研究的目的是研究百里香的粗提物对木材表面理化特性的影响。因此,使用接触评估了未处理和处理过的木材的Lifshitz-van der Waals(γ〜(LW)),酸碱(表面张力成分AGiwi,电子给体(γ〜-)和电子受体(γ〜+))参数。角度测量:主要结果表明,所有寻常提取物都能改变木材的表面特性,事实上,用浸渍和超声处理的产品处理的样品显示出亲水特性(θ_w= 29.7±0.3°,AGiwi = 17。接触角值分别为78±0.48mJ / m2和θ_w= 18.2±0.2°,AGiwi = 30.62±0.31 mJ / m〜2),并且接触角值小于未处理木材(θ_w= 86.0±0.2°)。这种处理使木材比电子接受体(γ〜+ = 2.03±)更有电子供体(γ〜-= 44.76±0.3 mJ / m〜2和γ〜-= 53.80±0.3 mJ / m〜2) 0.04 mJ / m〜2)。最后,发现超声提取的提取物比经典提取回收的提取物更重要。



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