
Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Influence of AFM Tip Geometry and Orientation on Capillary Force


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Adhesion issues are present in many disciplines such as, for example, surface science, microrobotics or MEMS design. Within this framework, this paper presents a study on capillary forces due to capillary condensation. A simulation tool had already been presented using Surface Evolver and Matlab to compute the shape of a meniscus in accordance with the Kelvin equation and contact angles. The numerical results of this simulation complied well with literature results. One very important result is the ability to compute the evolution of the capillary force depending on the tilt angle of the gripper with respect to the object. The main contribution of this new paper is a test bench and the related experimental results which validate these numerical results. We present here new experimental results illustrating the role of humidity and tilt angle in capillary forces at the nanoscale.
机译:在许多学科中都存在粘合问题,例如表面科学,微机器人学或MEMS设计。在此框架内,本文介绍了由于毛细管凝结引起的毛细管力的研究。已经使用Surface Evolver和Matlab提出了一种仿真工具,用于根据开尔文方程和接触角计算弯月面的形状。该模拟的数值结果与文献结果吻合得很好。一个非常重要的结果是能够根据夹具相对于对象的倾斜角度来计算毛细作用力的变化。这篇新论文的主要贡献是一个试验台以及相关的实验结果,这些结果验证了这些数值结果。我们在这里提出了新的实验结果,说明了湿度和倾斜角在纳米级毛细作用力中的作用。



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