
Adhesion degradation of rubber and steel insert for conveyor belts


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The problem of degradation of rubber in conveyor belts is very important because they incorporate a lot of rubber and have a high value. In the paper we have analyzed the situation of rubber conveyor belts reinforced with metal insertions because it was found that they can sometimes be obsolete pretty fast due to the degradation of the connection between the metal insertion and the rubber matrix. The theoretical study performed followed modeling the bond between the metal insert and the rubber matrix and obtained a relationship for calculating the rate of degradation n_d of the connection between the metal insertion and the rubber matrix. The evolution in time of the degradation of the connection between the metal insertion and the rubber matrix has also been established, and this was carried out during 2.5 years of use of a conveyor belt type ST 3150. To analyze the degradation of the rubber from the conveyor belt, rubber hardness was determined for seven distinct points on the belt thickness at intervals of 0.5 years and was also determined at the same intervals of time the evolution of specific resistance of tearing of the metal insertion from the rubber matrix.
机译:传送带中的橡胶降解问题非常重要,因为它们会掺入大量橡胶并且具有很高的价值。在本文中,我们分析了用金属插入件增强的橡胶输送带的情况,因为发现由于金属插入件和橡胶基体之间的连接性能下降,有时它们有时会很快淘汰。在进行理论研究之后,对金属插入物与橡胶基体之间的键进行建模,并获得了用于计算金属插入物与橡胶基体之间的连接的降解速率n_d的关系。还确定了金属嵌件和橡胶基体之间连接退化的时间演变,这是在使用ST 3150型传送带2.5年的过程中进行的。在传送带上,以0.5年的间隔确定了皮带厚度上七个不同点的橡胶硬度,并且还以相同的时间间隔确定了橡胶插入物中金属插入物撕裂的比电阻的演变。



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