
Marine mussel adhesion: biochemistry, mechanisms, and biomimetics


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Common blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) is a sessile organism that has unique ability to attach to a wide array of organic and inorganic marine surfaces using its holdfast structures. Strong adhesion to surfaces is essential for mussel survival, movement, and self-defense. Mussel proteins from byssal thread are structural components connecting soft mussel tissues to marine surfaces via an adhesive plaque in the distal end, while adhesive proteins from byssal plaque are responsible for mussel adhesion. Adhesive proteins are small molecules containing a high proportion of post-translationally modified amino acids such as 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). High DOPA content, small molecular size, protein flexibility, the presence of metal ions, and a high oxidation state enable strong mussel adhesion to surfaces. Mussel adhesion mechanisms depend on the composition and interactions of mussel proteins, as well as their interactions with the environment Difficulties in the extraction of mussel adhesion proteins hamper mechanism studies and their practical applications. Development of recombinant mussel proteins and biomimetics will advance our understanding of adhesion mechanisms. In this paper, recent advances in the characterization of mussel adhesive proteins (MAPs), mussel adhesion mechanisms, application of MAPs, and the development of biomimetic biopolymers are reviewed.
机译:常见的蓝贻贝(Mytilus edulis)是一种固着生物,利用其固定结构具有独特的能力,可以附着在各种各样的有机和无机海洋表面上。对表面的牢固粘附对于贻贝的生存,移动和自卫至关重要。贻贝纤维的贻贝蛋白是结构成分,通过远端的黏附斑将软贻贝组织连接到海洋表面,而贻贝的黏附蛋白则负责贻贝的黏附。粘附蛋白是包含高比例翻译后修饰氨基酸(例如3,4-二羟基苯丙氨酸(DOPA))的小分子。高DOPA含量,小分子尺寸,蛋白质柔韧性,金属离子的存在以及高氧化态使贻贝对表面的附着力强。贻贝粘附机制取决于贻贝蛋白质的组成和相互作用,以及它们与环境的相互作用。贻贝粘附蛋白提取的困难阻碍了机理研究及其实际应用。重组贻贝蛋白和仿生物的开发将增进我们对黏附机制的理解。本文综述了贻贝粘附蛋白(MAPs)的表征,贻贝粘附机制,MAPs的应用以及仿生生物聚合物的研究进展。



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