
Evaluation of Some Synthetic Oligolignols as Adhesives: A Molecular Docking Study


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We have investigated alternative adhesives based on some oligomers that have structural units similar to lignins. The favorable interactions for a set of synthetic oligolignols were determined through a computational docking scheme, considering their conformational changes to adapt themselves on the surface of a three-dimensional model of cellulose I-β, to describe and elucidate the interactions that drove their adhesion ability based on the minimum interaction energy calculated for each of the oligolignols conformations. The selected oligolignols included nine dimers, five trimers and one tetramer all of these were built from two lignin precursors, coniferol and sinapol, bonded in four different linkages: ,6-O4', β-β', β-5' and γ-β'. Our results showed that trimers were the most favorable oligolignols to dock over the cellulose model, considering their individual docking energy. We hope that this work contributes to the field of wood adhesives design and helps in understanding the interaction between the cellulose and structural components of lignin.
机译:我们已经研究了基于一些具有类似于木质素结构单元的低聚物的替代粘合剂。通过计算对接方案确定了一组合成低聚寡核苷酸的有利相互作用,考虑到它们的构象变化以使其自身适应纤维素I-β三维模型的表面,以描述和阐明驱动其粘附能力的相互作用基于为每个寡聚构象计算的最小相互作用能。所选的寡聚寡核苷酸包括9个二聚体,5个三聚体和1个四聚体,所有这些均由两个木质素前体松柏醇和sinapol组成,它们以四个不同的键连接:,6-O4',β-β',β-5'和γ- β'。我们的结果表明,考虑到三聚体各自的对接能,三聚体是最适合于纤维素模型的低聚寡核苷酸。我们希望这项工作对木材粘合剂设计领域有所帮助,并有助于理解纤维素与木质素结构成分之间的相互作用。



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