首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics >Role of salt bridge dynamics in inter domain recognition of human IMPDH isoforms: an insight to inhibitor topology for isoform-II.

Role of salt bridge dynamics in inter domain recognition of human IMPDH isoforms: an insight to inhibitor topology for isoform-II.


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Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) enzyme involves in the biosynthesis pathway of guanosine nucleotide. Type II isoform of the enzyme is selectively upregulated in neoplastic fast replicating lymphocytes and CML cancer cells. The hIMPDH-II is an excellent target for antileukemic agent. The detailed investigation during MD-Simulation (15 ns) of three different unliganded structures (1B3O, 1JCN and 1JR1) have clearly explored the salt bridge mediated stabilization of inter or intra domain (catalytic domains I(N), I(C) with res. Id. 28-111 and 233-504, whereas two CBS domains C, C are 112-171 and 172-232) in IMPDH enzyme which are mostly inaccessible in their X-rays structures. The salt bridge interaction in I(N)---C inter-domain of hIMPDH-I, I(N)---C of IMPDH-II and C---I(C) of nhIMPDH-II are discriminative features among the isoforms. The I(N)---C recognition in hIMPDH-II (1B3O) is missing in type-I isoform (1JCN). The salt bridge interaction D232---K238 at the surface of protein and the involvement of three conserved water molecules or the hydrophilic centers (WA(2)(3)(2)(OD1), WB (2)(3)(2)(OD2) and W(2)(3)(NZ)) to those acidic and basic residues seem to be unique in hIMPDH-II. The hydrophilic susceptibility, geometrical and electronic consequences of this salt bridge interaction could be useful to design the topology of specific inhibitor for hIMPDH-II which may not be effective for hIMPDH-I. Possibly, the aliphatic ligand containing carboxyl, amide or hydrophilic groups with flexible structure may be implicated for hIMPDH-II inhibitor design using the conserved water mimic drug design protocol.
机译:肌苷单磷酸脱氢酶(IMPDH)参与了鸟苷核苷酸的生物合成途径。该酶的II型同工型在肿瘤快速复制淋巴细胞和CML癌细胞中选择性上调。 hIMPDH-II是抗白血病药物的绝佳靶标。 MD模拟(15 ns)中三种不同的非配体结构(1B3O,1JCN和1JR1)的详细研究清楚地探索了盐桥介导的域间或域内(催化域I(N),I(C)与res的稳定化) Id。28-111和233-504,而IMPDH酶中的两个CBS结构域C,C为112-171和172-232),这在它们的X射线结构中是最难以接近的。 hIMPDH-I的I(N)--- C互域,IMPDH-II的I(N)--- C和nhIMPDH-II的C --- I(C)之间的盐桥相互作用是区分特征亚型。 I型同工型(1JCN)中缺少hIMPDH-II(1B3O)中的I(N)-C识别。蛋白质表面的盐桥相互作用D232 --- K238和三个保守水分子或亲水中心的参与(WA(2)(3)(2)(OD1),WB(2)(3)(2 (OD2)和W(2)(3)(NZ))的酸性和碱性残基在hIMPDH-II中似乎是唯一的。这种盐桥相互作用的亲水敏感性,几何和电子后果可能对于设计可能对hIMPDH-I无效的hIMPDH-II特异性抑制剂的拓扑结构有用。可能使用保守的水模拟药物设计方案将含有羧基,酰胺基或具有柔性结构的亲水基团的脂族配体用于hIMPDH-II抑制剂设计。



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