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The 3D trajectory of the body centre of mass during adult human walking: evidence for a speed-curvature power law.


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During straight walking, the body centre of mass (CM) follows a 3D figure-of-eight ("bow-tie") trajectory about 0.2 m long and with sizes around 0.05 m on each orthogonal axis. This was shown in 18 healthy adults walking at 0.3 to 1.4 ms(1) on a force-treadmill (Tesio and Rota, 2008). Double integration of force signals can provide both the changes of mechanical energy of the CM and its 3D displacements (Tesio et al., 2010). In the same subjects, the relationship between the tangential speed of the CM, Vt, the curvature, C, and its inverse--the radius of curvature, r(c), were analyzed. A "power law" (PL) model was applied, i.e. logVt was regressed over logr(c). A PL is known to apply to the most various goal-directed planar movements (e.g. drawing), where the coefficient of logr(c), beta, usually takes values around 13. When the PL was fitted to the whole dataset, beta was 0.346 and variance explanation, R(2), was 59.8%. However, when the data were split into low- and high-curvature subsets (LC, HC, arbitrary cut-off of C=0.05 mm(1), r(c)=20mm), beta was 0.185 in the LC (R(2) 0.214) and 0.486 in the HC (R(2) 0.536) tracts. R(2) on the whole dataset increased to 0.763 if the LC-HC classification of the forward speed and their interaction entered the model. The beta coefficient, the curvature C, and the pendulum-like recovery of mechanical energy were lower during the double foot-ground contact phase, compared to the single contact. Along the CM trajectory, curvature and muscle power output peaked together around the inversions of lateral direction. Non-zero torsion values were randomly distributed along 60% of the trajectory, suggesting that this is not segmented into piecewise planar tracts. It is proposed that the trajectory can be segmented into one tract that is more actively controlled (tie) where a PL fits poorly and another tract which is more ballistic (bow) where a PL fits well. Results need confirmation through more appropriate 3D PL modelling.
机译:在笔直的行走过程中,身体的质心(CM)遵循3D八字形轨迹(“领结”),轨迹约为0.2 m长,每个正交轴的尺寸约为0.05 m。这在18名健康成年人的力量跑步机上以0.3到1.4 ms(1)的速度行走时显示出来(Tesio和Rota,2008年)。力信号的双重积分可以提供CM机械能及其3D位移的变化(Tesio等,2010)。在同一主题中,分析了CM的切线速度Vt,曲率C及其倒数-曲率半径r(c)之间的关系。应用了“幂律”(PL)模型,即logVt在logr(c)上回归。已知PL适用于大多数目标定向平面运动(例如,绘图),其中logr(c)的系数beta通常取13左右的值。将PL拟合到整个数据集时,beta为0.346而方差解释R(2)为59.8%。但是,当数据分为低曲率和高曲率子集(LC,HC,C = 0.05 mm(1),r(c)= 20mm的任意截止值)时,LC中的beta为0.185(R( 2)在HC(R(2)0.536)域中为0.214)和0.486。如果前进速度的LC-HC分类及其相互作用进入模型,则整个数据集上的R(2)会增加到0.763。与单点接触相比,在双脚与地面接触阶段,β系数,曲率C和类似摆的机械能回收率更低。沿着CM轨迹,曲率和肌肉力量输出在横向反转时共同达到峰值。非零扭转值沿着轨迹的60%随机分布,这表明这并未细分为分段的平面区域。建议将轨迹划分为一个在PL拟合不良的地方更主动地控制(并列)的区域和在PL拟合良好的情况下更弹道(弓状)的另一个区域。需要通过更适当的3D PL建模来确认结果。



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