首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomechanics >Influence of catheter design on lumen wall temperature distribution in intracoronary thermography.

Influence of catheter design on lumen wall temperature distribution in intracoronary thermography.


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Intracoronary thermography is a currently used vulnerable plaque detection method. We studied how catheter design and catheter location influence the temperature readings, and thus its capacity to detect vulnerable plaques. Finite element calculations were performed on geometries representing the coronary artery, the vulnerable plaque and the catheter. Catheter material, diameter and location with respect to the plaque were varied. Both flow and no-flow situations were studied. Maximal lumen wall temperature difference without a catheter (DeltaT=0.12 degrees C, flow=75 cm(3) min(-1)) was considered the reference. Presence of a 1.0mm nitinol catheter right under the plaque increased DeltaT to 0.14 degrees C, whereas a 1.0 mm polyurethane catheter increased DeltaT to 0.51 degrees C. The location at which a thermosensitive element should be placed for most optimal temperature readings during a pullback was shown to lie at the catheter edge for the nitinol catheter and at 1.1mm from the catheter edge for the polyurethane catheter. Temperature readings decreased to background temperature when the catheter was in close proximity but not overlapping the plaque. DeltaT decreased approximately by 70% when a gap of 0.2 mm existed between the catheter and the lumen wall. Occlusion of blood flow increased DeltaT values in all cases, but most pronounced for nitinol catheters. A polyurethane catheter increased the temperature readings, since its heat conductivity is lower than that of blood, which makes it a very good choice for heat source detection. Catheter design can contribute to enhanced temperature readings and thus can enable more optimal vulnerable plaque detection.
机译:冠状动脉内热成像是目前使用的易损斑块检测方法。我们研究了导管的设计和导管的位置如何影响温度读数,并因此影响了其检测易损斑块的能力。对代表冠状动脉,易损斑块和导管的几何形状进行了有限元计算。导管材料,直径和相对于噬菌斑的位置是变化的。研究了流动和不流动的情况。没有导管的最大管腔壁温差(DeltaT = 0.12摄氏度,流量= 75 cm(3)min(-1))被视为参考。斑块正下方存在一个1.0mm镍钛合金导管,可使DeltaT升高至0.14摄氏度,而一个1.0mm聚氨酯导管将DeltaT升高至0.51摄氏度。在拉回过程中,为获得最佳温度读数而应放置热敏元件的位置为如图所示,其位于镍钛合金导管的导管边缘处,而距聚氨酯导管的导管边缘位于1.1mm处。当导管非常靠近但不与菌斑重叠时,温度读数会降低到背景温度。当导管和管腔壁之间存在0.2 mm的间隙时,DeltaT大约降低70%。在所有情况下,血流的阻塞都会增加DeltaT值,但对于镍钛合金导管最为明显。聚氨酯导管的热导率低于血液,因此增加了温度读数,这使其成为热源检测的很好选择。导管设计可有助于提高温度读数,因此可实现更优化的易损斑块检测。



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