首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomechanics >Mechanical efficiency of cycling with a new developed pedal-crank.

Mechanical efficiency of cycling with a new developed pedal-crank.


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The mechanical efficiency of cycling with a new pedal-crank prototype (PP) was investigated during an incremental test on a stationary cycloergometer. The efficiency values were compared with those obtained, in the same experimental conditions and with the same subjects, by using a standard pedal-crank system (SP). The main feature of this prototype is that its pedal-crank length changes as a function of the crank angle being maximal during the pushing phase and minimal during the recovery one. This variability was expected to lead to a decrease in the energy requirement of cycling since, for any given thrust, the torque exerted by the pushing leg is increased while the counter-torque exerted by the contra-lateral one is decreased. Whereas no significant differences were found between the two pedal-cranks at low exercise intensities (wdot;=50-200W), at 250-300W the oxygen uptake (Vdot;O(2), W) was found to be significantly lower and the efficiency (eta=wdot;/Vdot;O(2)) about 2% larger (p<0.05, Wilcoxon test) in the case of PP. Even if the measured difference in efficiency was rather small, it can be calculated that an athlete riding a bicycle equipped with the patented pedal-crank could improve his 1h record by about 1km.
机译:在固定式自行车测力计上进行增量测试期间,研究了使用新的踏板曲柄原型(PP)进行骑行的机械效率。通过使用标准踏板曲柄系统(SP),将效率值与在相同实验条件下和相同受试者下获得的效率值进行比较。该原型机的主要特点是踏板曲柄长度随曲柄角的变化而变化,曲柄角在推动阶段最大,而在恢复阶段最小。由于对于任何给定的推力,推力腿施加的扭矩增加,而对侧力矩所施加的反扭矩减小,因此,这种可变性有望导致循环能量需求的减少。虽然在低运动强度下(wdot = 50-200W)在两个踏板曲柄之间没有发现显着差异,但在250-300W时发现氧气吸收量(VdotO(2),W)明显降低,并且在PP情况下,效率(η= w / O(2))大约大2%(p <0.05,Wilcoxon测试)。即使测得的效率差异很小,也可以计算出,骑着装有专利踏板曲柄的自行车的运动员可以将其1小时记录提高约1公里。



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