首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomechanics >Vertical stiffness and center-of-mass movement in children and adults during single-leg hopping

Vertical stiffness and center-of-mass movement in children and adults during single-leg hopping


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Single-leg hopping in-place can be typically modeled using a spring-mass model. Within this model, the leg acts as a spring whose stiffness can be regulated to hop at different heights and frequencies. The control of vertical stiffness has been shown to be important for running and jumping performance, as well as injury prevention. It is known that adults increase vertical stiffness to hop at frequencies higher than preferred, but it is unknown if children younger than 11 years have a similar ability to control vertical stiffness. Further, little is known about the horizontal movement of the center-of-mass (COM) and foot positioning during hopping in both children and adults. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the spring-mass model in 5-11 years old children and compare horizontal COM and foot movement between children and adults. We found that single-leg hopping in children generally follows a spring-mass model and children are able to increase vertical stiffness with hopping frequency. Moreover, children demonstrate adult-like control strategies of decreasing the COM range and toe displacement but maintaining the COM positioning with increasing frequency. However, children showed a faster preferred frequency, elevated vertical stiffness normalized by body weight, a greater toe displacement between hops and a greater toe range within a trial. Together, single-leg hopping in place can generally be modeled in 5-11 years old children as a spring-mass model; however, children at this age are still developing their motor ability to control the COM and foot placement during hopping. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:通常可以使用弹簧质量模型对就地单腿跳跃进行建模。在此模型中,腿部充当弹簧,其刚度可以调节为在不同的高度和频率下跳跃。垂直刚度的控制对于奔跑和跳跃性能以及防止伤害非常重要。众所周知,成年人会增加垂直刚度以跳到比期望的频率高的频率,但是不知道11岁以下的孩子是否具有类似的控制垂直刚度的能力。此外,对于在儿童和成人中跳跃期间的质心(COM)的水平运动和脚的位置知之甚少。这项研究的目的是评估弹簧质量模型在5-11岁儿童中的有效性,并比较儿童和成人之间的水平COM和脚部运动。我们发现,儿童的单腿跳跃通常遵循弹簧质量模型,并且儿童能够随着跳跃频率增加垂直刚度。此外,孩子们表现出成年人般的控制策略,即减小COM范围和脚趾位移,但保持COM位置的频率增加。然而,在试验中,儿童表现出较快的优选频率,通过体重标准化的垂直垂直刚度增加,啤酒花之间的脚趾位移更大,脚趾范围更大。一起,通常可以在5-11岁的孩子中模拟单腿跳跃作为弹簧质量模型;但是,这个年龄段的孩子仍在发展自己的运动能力,以在跳跃过程中控制COM和脚的放置。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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