首页> 外文期刊>Journal of bodywork and movement therapies >Conservative care of sports hernias within soccer players: A case series

Conservative care of sports hernias within soccer players: A case series


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Objective: To detail the progress of 2 high-level soccer players and 1 recreational soccer player with chronic groin pain that was exacerbated by participation in sports and relieved by rest. The patients under went a conservative treatment plan featuring manual therapy, therapeutic modalities, and plyometric training. Clinical features: The most important examination findings were palpable tenderness over the internal oblique fascia and anterior pubic tubercle, pain with resisted hip adduction, and pain with a resisted abdominal curl-up. Conventional treatment aimed at decreasing healing time of the injury through manual therapy, including soft tissue and modality techniques; rehabilitative exercises, focusing on the pelvic muscles; and plyometric training, aiming at sport specific functional improvement. Intervention: The conservative treatment approach utilized in this case series involved manual therapy, 1-2 times a week for 6-8 weeks, consisting of soft tissue, laser, microcurrent, and acupuncture; rehabilitative exercise and plyometric training, 3 times a week for 8 weeks, to help improve strength, coordination, and correct pelvic muscle imbalances. Outcome measures included visual analog scale scores and resisted muscle testing. Summary: Three soccer players, of varying levels of ability, presenting with a suspected sports hernia (chronic groin pain exacerbated by sports and relieved by rest) were relieved of their pain after 8 weeks of conservative care featuring manual therapy, rehabilitative exercises, and plyometric training.



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