首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biological Control >Tobacco type mediated effects on the development of pink aphid, Myzus nicotianae Blackman and its predator, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).

Tobacco type mediated effects on the development of pink aphid, Myzus nicotianae Blackman and its predator, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).

机译:烟草类型对粉红色蚜虫Myzus nicotianae Blackman及其捕食者Chrysoperla carnea(Stephen)(Neuroptera:Chrysopidae)发育的影响。

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The present study revealed that fecundity of tobacco aphid, Myzus nicotianae Blackman was highest on Lanka type (37.8+or-7.5) and lowest on Nicotiana rustica (7.0+or-2.5). Chrysoperla carnea consumed 71.20 aphids/larva on Flue cured Virginia tobacco and 58 aphids on Burley type. Highest per cent pupation was observed on Beedi type (88%). Fecundity of Chrysoperla was the highest when it fed on aphids on cigar wrapper tobacco (291 eggs/female), followed by Lanka (287 eggs/female). The fecundity was lowest (114 eggs) when aphids on aromatic tobacco were consumed. Fecundity when fed on Corcyra eggs was least (220 eggs). FCV tobacco was most favored for oviposition by Chrysoperla (25 eggs/lant) and beedi and aromatic types were least preferred. On all tobacco types, when the larvae of the predator were released 63 to 92% reduction in aphid population was achieved. The nutritional profile of the aphids on the most favored tobacco type, Lanka, revealed that sugars and proteins/100 g dry weight of aphids were 3.6 and 7.20 compared to 2.88 and 6.20, respectively, on aphids on aromatic types, which were less suitable as food. Prospects of utilizing host plant genetic diversity in tritrophic interactions for effective management of sucking pests are discussed.
机译:本研究表明,烟草蚜虫Myzus nicotianae Blackman的繁殖力在Lanka型上最高(37.8+或-7.5),而在Nicotiana Rustica下最低(7.0+或-2.5)。在烟熏弗吉尼亚烟草上,Chrysoperla carnea食用了71.20蚜虫/幼虫,而Burley型则消耗了58蚜虫。在比迪(Bedi)类型上观察到化脓率最高(88%)。当以雪茄烟上的蚜虫为食时,Chrysoperla的繁殖力最高(291卵/雌),其次是Lanka(287卵/雌)。当食用芳香烟草上的蚜虫时,繁殖力最低(114个卵)。饲喂Corcyra卵的产卵量最少(220卵)。 Chrysoperla(25蛋/ lant)最喜欢使用FCV产卵,而甜菜和芳香型则最不受欢迎。在所有烟草类型上,当捕食者的幼虫被释放时,蚜虫数量减少了63%至92%。蚜虫在最喜欢的烟草类型上的营养状况表明,每克蚜虫的糖和蛋白质/ 100 g干重分别为3.6和7.20,而芳香族蚜虫的糖和蛋白质分别为2.88和6.20,较不适合使用。餐饮。讨论了利用三生营养相互作用中的寄主植物遗传多样性对吸吮性有害生物进行有效管理的前景。



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