首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biological Control >Incidence of entomophagous medicinal fungus, Ophiocordyceps nutans on stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stal) in the Western Ghats of India

Incidence of entomophagous medicinal fungus, Ophiocordyceps nutans on stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stal) in the Western Ghats of India

机译:印度西高止山脉的食虫性药用真菌,褐藻的Ophiocordyceps nutans,Halyomorpha halys(Stal)的发病率

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An entomophagous medicinal fungus Ophiocordyceps nutans growing on the sap sucking stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) was recorded for the first time from the forests of Western Ghats of India. This ascomycete emerges from the dead stink bugs in soil or humus during the southwest monsoon (June-August). In association with the host trees species (Cassine glauca), the stink bugs infected by Hymenostilbe nutans (anamorph of O. nutans). On completion of life cycle, the dead stink bugs accumulate in the base of host trees during summer (April-May). On the onset of southwest monsoon, H. nutans in dead stink bugs emerges as perfect state (O. nutans).
机译:第一次从印度西高止山脉的森林中记录到一种生长在汁液中的食虫性真菌Ophiocordyceps nutans。这种子囊菌是在西南季风(6月至8月)期间从土壤或腐殖质的臭臭虫中出现的。与寄主树种(Cassine glauca)相关联,臭臭虫感染了Hymenostilbe nutans(O。nutans的变形)。生命周期结束后,在夏季(4月至5月),死臭虫会积聚在寄主树的根部。在西南季风爆发时,死臭臭虫中的H. nutans以完美状态出现(O. nutans)。



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