首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biological rhythms >Acute behavioral responses to light and darkness in nocturnal Mus musculus and diurnal Arvicanthis niloticus

Acute behavioral responses to light and darkness in nocturnal Mus musculus and diurnal Arvicanthis niloticus


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The term masking refers to immediate responses to stimuli that override the influence of the circadian timekeeping system on behavior and physiology. Masking by light and darkness plays an important role in shaping an organism's daily pattern of activity. Nocturnal animals generally become more active in response to darkness (positive masking) and less active in response to light (negative masking), and diurnal animals generally have opposite patterns of response. These responses can vary as a function of light intensity as well as time of day. Few studies have directly compared masking in diurnal and nocturnal species, and none have compared rhythms in masking behavior of diurnal and nocturnal species. Here, we assessed masking in nocturnal mice (Mus musculus) and diurnal grass rats (Arvicanthis niloticus). In the first experiment, animals were housed in a 12:12 light-dark (LD) cycle, with dark or light pulses presented at 6 Zeitgeber times (ZTs; with ZT0 = lights on). Light pulses during the dark phase produced negative masking in nocturnal mice but only at ZT14, whereas light pulses resulted in positive masking in diurnal grass rats across the dark phase. In both species, dark pulses had no effect on behavior. In the 2nd experiment, animals were kept in constant darkness or constant light and were presented with light or dark pulses, respectively, at 6 circadian times (CTs). CT0 corresponded to ZT0 of the preceding LD cycle. Rhythms in masking responses to light differed between species; responses were evident at all CTs in grass rats but only at CT14 in mice. Responses to darkness were observed only in mice, in which there was a significant increase in activity at CT 22. In the 3rd experiment, animals were kept on a 3.5:3.5-h LD cycle. Surprisingly, masking was evident only in grass rats. In mice, levels of activity during the light and dark phases of the 7-h cycle did not differ, even though the same animals had responded to discrete photic stimuli in the first 2 experiments. The results of the 3 experiments are discussed in terms of their methodological implications and for the insight they offer into the mechanisms and evolution of diurnality.
机译:术语“掩盖”是指对刺激的即时响应,该响应超出了生物钟计时系统对行为和生理的影响。光明与黑暗的掩盖在塑造生物体的日常活动方式方面起着重要作用。夜间活动的动物通常对黑暗有反应(积极遮蔽),而对光的反应较少(消极遮蔽),昼夜动物通常有相反的反应模式。这些响应可以随光强度以及一天中的时间而变化。很少有研究直接比较昼夜物种的掩蔽行为,没有研究比较节奏对昼夜物种的掩蔽行为。在这里,我们评估了夜间小鼠(小家鼠)和日间草鼠(Arvicanthis niloticus)的遮罩。在第一个实验中,以12:12的明暗(LD)周期饲养动物,在6个Zeitgeber时间(ZTs; ZT0 =灯亮)下出现暗或亮脉冲。在黑暗阶段,光脉冲在夜间小鼠中产生负掩蔽,但仅在ZT14处产生负掩蔽,而在黑暗阶段中,昼夜草鼠中的光脉冲导致正掩蔽。在这两个物种中,暗脉冲对行为都没有影响。在第二个实验中,将动物保持在恒定的黑暗或恒定的光照下,并分别在6个昼夜节律时间(CT)处接受亮或暗脉冲。 CT0对应于前一个LD周期的ZT0。不同物种对光的掩蔽反应节奏不同。应答在草大鼠的所有CT上均明显,但仅在小鼠的CT14上明显。仅在小鼠中观察到了对黑暗的反应,其中在CT 22处的活性显着增加。在第三个实验中,动物保持了3.5:3.5-h LD周期。出人意料的是,仅在草鼠中才发现掩盖。在小鼠中,即使在前两个实验中相同的动物对离散的光刺激做出了反应,在7小时周期的亮和暗阶段,其活性水平也没有差异。讨论了这3个实验的结果,包括方法学意义以及它们对昼夜机理和演化的深刻见解。



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