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Asthma screening of inner city and urban elementary school-aged children


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Objective: Currently, in the United States there is a lack of a standardized method to effectively screen school children with undiagnosed or poorly controlled asthma. The purpose of this proof-of-concept study was to assess the use of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology's (ACAAI) Asthma Screening Questionnaire to identify elementary school-age children at risk for asthma (undiagnosed) or poorly controlled asthma. Methods: Children in grades 3-5 from one urban and two suburban schools completed ACAAI's 14 question asthma screening questionnaire and had their peak expiratory flow (PEF) measured. Children were considered to have a positive asthma screen and be at risk for having undiagnosed or poorly controlled asthma if they answered 'yes' to more than three questions. Children were referred to a physician if they had a positive asthma screen, a previous history of asthma, or a low PEF. Results: Of the 86 participants, 52 were identified as being at risk for asthma. The number was higher among children attending an urban versus suburban school (p=0.04). The sensitivity and specificity of the screening questionnaire for identifying asthma risk were 90% and 66%, respectively, when the number of 'yes' responses for a positive screen was increased from three to five of 14 questions. Conclusions: The ACAAI's Asthma Screening Questionnaire identified 52 children at risk for undiagnosed or poorly controlled asthma. Our findings support the need to validate this questionnaire to be used in conjunction with PEFR for identifying elementary school children at risk for asthma.
机译:目的:目前,在美国,缺乏有效筛查未诊断或控制不良哮喘的学龄儿童的标准化方法。这项概念验证研究的目的是评估美国过敏,哮喘和免疫学学院(ACAAI)哮喘筛查问卷的使用,以识别处于哮喘风险(未经诊断)或哮喘控制不佳的小学适龄儿童。方法:来自一所城市和两个郊区学校的3-5年级的孩子填写了ACAAI的14个问题哮喘筛查问卷,并测量了他们的呼气峰值(PEF)。如果儿童对三个以上的问题回答“是”,则认为他们的哮喘筛查阳性,并且有患未确诊或控制不佳的哮喘的风险。如果儿童的哮喘筛查阳性,既往有哮喘病史或PEF低,则应转诊给医生。结果:在86名参与者中,有52名被确定有哮喘风险。在城市学校和郊区学校就读的儿童中这一数字更高(p = 0.04)。当对阳性筛查的“是”回答的数量从14个问题中的3个增加到5个时,筛查问卷用于识别哮喘风险的敏感性和特异性分别为90%和66%。结论:ACAAI的哮喘筛查问卷确定了52名处于未确诊或控制不良哮喘风险中的儿童。我们的发现支持需要验证此调查表与PEFR结合使用,以识别有哮喘风险的小学生。



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