首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Ichthyology >Gonadosomatic index and fecundity of Lower Missouri and Middle Mississippi River endangered pallid sturgeon estimated using minimally invasive techniques

Gonadosomatic index and fecundity of Lower Missouri and Middle Mississippi River endangered pallid sturgeon estimated using minimally invasive techniques


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Minimally invasive, non-lethal methods of ultrasonography were used to assess sex, egg diameter, fecundity, gonad volume, and gonadosomatic index, as well as endoscopy to visually assess the reproductive stage of Scaphirhynchus albus. Estimated mean egg diameters of 2.202 +/- 0.187mm and mean fecundity of 44531 +/- 23940 eggs were similar to previous studies using invasive techniques. Mean S.albus gonadosomatic indices (GSI) for reproductive and non-reproductive females were 16.16 and 1.26%, respectively, while reproductive and non-reproductive male GSI were 2.00 and 0.43%, respectively. There was no relationship between hybrid status or capture location and GSI. Mean fecundity was 48.5% higher than hatchery spawn estimates. Fecundity increased as fork length increased but did so more dramatically in the upper river kilometers of the Missouri River. By examining multiple fish over multiple years, the reproductive cycle periodicity for hatchery female S. albus was found to be 2-4years and river dwelling males 1-4years. The use of ultrasonic and endoscopic methods in combination was shown to be helpful in tracking individual gonad characteristics over multi-year reproductive cycles.
机译:使用微创,非致死性超声检查方法来评估性别,卵径,生殖力,性腺体积和性腺机能指数,并使用内窥镜检查以可视方式评估al鱼的生殖阶段。估计的平均卵直径为2.202 +/- 0.187毫米,平均生育力为44531 +/- 23940卵,与以前使用侵入性技术的研究相似。生殖和非生殖雌性的平均S.albus性腺体指数(GSI)分别为16.16和1.26%,而生殖和非生殖雄性GSI分别为2.00和0.43%。混合状态或捕获位置与GSI之间没有关系。平均繁殖力比孵化场产卵量估计高48.5%。随着分叉长度的增加,繁殖力增加,但在密苏里河的上游河公里中,繁殖力却大大增加。通过检查多年的多条鱼,发现孵化场雌性S. albus的繁殖周期周期为2-4年,河栖雄性为1-4年。超声和内窥镜检查方法的结合使用有助于追踪多年生殖周期中的性腺特征。



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