首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Ichthyology >Ontogeny of the feeding apparatus of hatchery-reared white margined sole, Dagetichthys marginatus (Soleidae): implications for cultivation

Ontogeny of the feeding apparatus of hatchery-reared white margined sole, Dagetichthys marginatus (Soleidae): implications for cultivation


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P>The aim of this study was to describe the ontogeny of the feeding apparatus of hatchery-reared Dagetichthys marginatus and to discuss development in relation to generalized early development in (flat)fish and the potential influence of reproduction and/or rearing practices used. Fertilized eggs were obtained from hormone-induced wild females of the white margined sole, D. marginatus. Subsequent larvae were reared until shortly after metamorphosis between 35 and 45 dah (days-after-hatching) when mortalities occurred. At 4 dah a small maxilla and two paired branchial arches appeared. Metamorphosis was completed at 22 dah while the left/migrating eye still remained in its initial position at 31 dah. Based on the likely disadvantages for survival it is assumed that the observed development indicates underdevelopment rather than an evolutionary adaptation. The influence of reproduction and rearing practices used on development and mortalities are discussed.
机译:P>本研究的目的是描述孵化场饲养的Da鱼(Dagetichthys marginatus)的饲养装置的个体发育,并讨论与(扁平)鱼的广义早期发育有关的发育以及所用繁殖和/或饲养方式的潜在影响。受精卵是从荷尔蒙诱导的白缘D.marginatus的野生雌性获得的。后来的幼体被饲养直到变态之后的35至45 dh(孵化后的几天)内发生死亡。在第4天时,出现了一个小的上颌骨和两个成对的branch弓。变形在22天时完成,而左眼/迁移眼在31天时仍保持其初始位置。基于生存的可能弊端,假设观察到的发育表明发育不足,而不是进化适应。讨论了繁殖和饲养方式对发育和死亡率的影响。



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