首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biological inorganic chemistry: JBIC: a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry >Orange protein from Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20: insights into the Mo-Cu cluster protein-assisted synthesis

Orange protein from Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20: insights into the Mo-Cu cluster protein-assisted synthesis


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A novel metalloprotein containing a unique [S2MoS2CuS2MoS2](3-) cluster, designated as Orange Protein (ORP), was isolated for the first time from Desulfovibrio gigas, a sulphate reducer. The orp operon is conserved in almost all sequenced Desulfovibrio genomes and in other anaerobic bacteria, however, so far D. gigas ORP had been the only ORP characterized in the literature. In this work, the purification of another ORP isolated form Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 is reported. The native protein is monomeric (12443.8 +/- A 0.1 Da by ESI-MS) and contains also a MoCu cluster with characteristic absorption bands at 337 and 480 nm, assigned to S-Mo charge transfer bands. Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 recombinant protein was obtained in the apo-form from E. coli. Cluster reconstitution studies and UV-visible titrations with tetrathiomolybdate of the apo-ORP incubated with Cu ions indicate that the cluster is incorporated in a protein metal-assisted synthetic mode and the protein favors the 2Mo:1Cu stoichiometry. In Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20, the orp genes are encoded by a polycistronic unit composed of six genes whereas in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough the same genes are organized into two divergent operons, although the composition in genes is similar. The gene expression of ORP (Dde_3198) increased 6.6 +/- A 0.5 times when molybdate was added to the growth medium but was not affected by Cu(II) addition, suggesting an involvement in molybdenum metabolism directly or indirectly in these anaerobic bacteria.
机译:首次从硫酸盐还原剂Desulfovibrio gigas中分离出一种新型金属蛋白,该蛋白含有独特的[S2MoS2CuS2MoS2](3-)簇,称为橙蛋白(ORP)。在几乎所有测序的脱硫弧菌基因组和其他厌氧细菌中,orp操纵子都是保守的,但是迄今为止,D。gigas ORP是文献中唯一表征的ORP。在这项工作中,报道了另一种ORP分离形式的阿拉斯加脱硫弧菌G20的纯化。天然蛋白是单体蛋白(通过ESI-MS获得的12443.8 +/- A 0.1 Da),还包含MoCu簇,该簇具有在337和480 nm处的特征吸收带,并分配给S-Mo电荷转移带。从大肠杆菌中以脱辅基形式获得了阿拉斯加脱硫弧菌G20重组蛋白。簇重构研究和用铜离子孵育的载脂蛋白ORP的四硫代钼酸盐的四硫代钼酸盐的紫外可见滴定表明,簇以蛋白质金属辅助合成模式结合,该蛋白质有利于2Mo:1Cu化学计量。在阿拉斯加脱硫弧菌G20中,orp基因由由六个基因组成的多顺反子单元编码,而在寻常脱硫弧菌希尔登伯勒中,相同的基因被组织成两个发散的操纵子,尽管基因组成相似。将钼酸盐添加到生长培养基中时,ORP(Dde_3198)的基因表达增加6.6 +/- A 0.5倍,但不受Cu(II)添加的影响,表明这些厌氧细菌直接或间接参与了钼的代谢。



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