首页> 外文期刊>Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics >Hyaluronan in follicular fluid and embryo implantation following in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

Hyaluronan in follicular fluid and embryo implantation following in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether the concentration of hyaluronan (HA) in follicular fluid predicts implantation success following embryo transfer. METHODS: Follicular fluids from 170 IVF patients were tested by ELISA for HA concentration. RESULTS: The mean (standard error) HA concentration in follicular fluids was 158.0 (21.9) ng/ml from women whose embryos did not implant, 220.0 (21.3) ng/ml from women in which one embryo implanted and 239.3 (40.1) ng/ml from women with 2-3 implantations (implantation vs. no implantation p = .019). The HA level was unrelated to maternal age, number of oocytes harvested or fertilized or number of embryos transferred. Follicular fluids from women with an endocrine problem had a lower mean HA level (142.0 ng/ml) as compared to women undergoing IVF due to male factor infertility (257.3 ng/ml) (P = .05). CONCLUSIONS: HA in follicular fluid is decreased in women with unsuccessful implantation or with an endocrine disorder. A woman's level of HA production may influence the potential for implantation of her embryos.
机译:目的:确定卵泡液中透明质酸(HA)的浓度是否可预测胚胎移植后的植入成功。方法:采用ELISA法检测170例IVF患者的卵泡液中HA的含量。结果:未植入胚胎的女性的卵泡液中HA的平均浓度(标准误)为158.0(21.9)ng / ml,植入了一个胚胎的女性的卵泡液中HA的平均浓度为220.0(21.3)ng / ml。从2-3次植入的女性中抽取1 ml(植入与未植入p = .019)。 HA水平与产妇年​​龄,收获或受精的卵母细胞数量或转移的胚胎数量无关。与因男性因素不育而接受IVF的女性(257.3 ng / ml)相比,患有内分泌问题的女性的卵泡液的平均HA水平较低(142.0 ng / ml)(P = .05)。结论:植入失败或患有内分泌失调的女性,卵泡液中的HA降低。妇女的HA产生水平可能会影响其胚胎植入的潜力。



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