首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Remote Sensing >Robust neural network system design for detecting and estimating snowfall from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit

Robust neural network system design for detecting and estimating snowfall from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit


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The principal intent of this research is to: (a) investigate the potential of passive microwave data from Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) in detecting snowfall events and in measuring their intensity, and (b) evaluate the effect of both land cover and atmospheric conditions on the retrieval accuracy. A neural-network-based model has been developed and has shown a great potential in detecting snowfall events and classifying their intensity into light, moderate or heavy. This algorithm has been applied for different snow storms which occurred in four winter seasons in the Northeastern United States. Additional information such as cloud cover and air temperature were added to the process to reduce misidentified snowfall pixels. Only pixels with cloud cover and falling within a specific range of temperature are presented to the snowfall detection model. Surface temperature collected from ground station-based observations and archived by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) were used for this test. Different heavy storm events and non-snowfall observations that occurred at the same time as AMSU acquisition were selected. Hourly snow accumulation data collected by the NCDC were used as truth data to train and validate the model. The preliminary results indicate that the neural-network-based model provides a significant improvement in snowfall detection accuracy over existing satellite-based methods.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是:(a)研究来自先进微波探空仪(AMSU)的被动微波数据在探测降雪事件和测量其强度方面的潜力,以及(b)评估土地覆盖和大气的影响条件对检索精度的影响。已经开发了基于神经网络的模型,该模型在检测降雪事件并将其强度分为轻度,中度或重度方面显示出巨大潜力。该算法已应用于美国东北部四个冬季发生的不同暴风雪。该过程中添加了其他信息,例如云量和气温,以减少错误识别的降雪像素。降雪检测模型仅显示具有云量且处于特定温度范围内的像素。该测试使用了从地面站观测数据收集并由国家气候数据中心(NCDC)存档的地表温度。选择了与AMSU采集同时发生的不同的强风暴事件和非降雪观测值。 NCDC收集的每小时积雪数据被用作真实数据,以训练和验证该模型。初步结果表明,与现有的基于卫星的方法相比,基于神经网络的模型在降雪检测精度方面有了显着提高。



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