首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Activities at final Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNC) fishing village revealed through microwear analysis of bifacial flint tools from the submerged Atlit-Yam site, Israel

Activities at final Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNC) fishing village revealed through microwear analysis of bifacial flint tools from the submerged Atlit-Yam site, Israel


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Data from the submerged Pre-Pottery Neolithic C (PPNC) Atlit-Yam site and nearby Pottery Neolithic (PN) sites were used to develop a model of agro-pastoral-maritime economies at early Mediterranean-Levantine Fishing Villages (MFVs) on the coast of Israel ca. 9000e6500 cal BP. Several lithic workshops were also exposed within the 40,000 m~2 Atlit-Yam site among structures, ceremonial areas, and a deep well. A large number of Neolithic bifacial axes (n = 151) were recovered which could have been used to build water craft, but microwear on a sample of 18 bifaces revealed that chisels and adzes were probably used for that task, while the axes were used to fell trees. Microwear analysis of 206 Neolithic and Chalcolithic bifaces revealed that most PPNA tranchet flint axes and chisels were used for carpentry, rather than tree-felling, but by the Middle and Late PPNB, there were fewer carpentry tools, and polished flint axes were used to open the forests. Microwear on Atlit-Yam bifaces showed that this pattern continued during the PPNC until deforestation and landscape degradation reduced the need for heavy axes. During the PN, adzes replace axes and there are more carpentry tools than tree-felling bifaces. Interior PN agro-pastoralists dispersed from large PPN sites, but the manufacture, use, and repair of bifaces at Atlit-Yam supports the view that coastal groups who had formed self-sufficient MFVs and went to sea to fish, also cleared forests for their crops and grazing lands.
机译:使用淹没的新石器时代C(PPNC)Atlit-Yam站点和附近的陶器新石器时代(PN)站点的数据来建立沿海地中海-黎凡特渔村(MFV)早期的农牧海洋经济模型以色列共和国9000e6500 cal BP。在40,000 m〜2的Atlit-Yam场地中,在结构,礼仪区域和一口深井之间还暴露了一些石器车间。回收了许多新石器时代的双面轴(n = 151),这些轴本可以用于建造船只,但对18个双面的样本进行的微磨损显示,凿子和ad缝可能用于该任务,而这些轴则用于槎。对206个新石器时代和鸡石器时代的双面进行的微磨损分析表明,大多数PPNA齿状火石轴和凿子用于木工,而不是砍树,但到中,晚期PPNB时,木工工具较少,而打磨的火石轴用于打开森林。 Atlit-Yam双面上的微磨损表明,这种模式在PPNC期间一直持续,直到森林砍伐和景观退化减少了对重轴的需求。在PN中,用ad子代替轴,木工工具比砍树的双面多。内部PN农牧民分散在PPN的大型地点,但是Atlit-Yam的双面人脸的制造,使用和维修支持了这样的观点,即沿海群体已经形成了自给自足的MFV,并出海捕鱼,还为他们的森林砍伐了森林庄稼和牧场。



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