首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >New light on the personal identification of a skeleton of a member of Sir John Franklin's last expedition to the Arctic, 1845

New light on the personal identification of a skeleton of a member of Sir John Franklin's last expedition to the Arctic, 1845


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In 1845, an expedition, commanded by Sir John Franklin, set out to try and discover the north-west passage. All 129 men on this ill-fated voyage perished. Over the years, skeletal remains associated with the final throes of the expedition have been located on and near King William Island, Nunavut, in the Canadian arctic. In general, even a tentative personal identification for these remains has proved impossible. An exception is some skeletal remains that were recovered in 1869 and brought back to England and interred beneath the memorial to the Franklin expedition in Greenwich. In the 19th century, these were tentatively identified as of one of HMS Erebus's lieutenants, Henry Le Vesconte, a conclusion that has been widely accepted in studies of the Franklin voyage. Renovations to the monument in 2009 provided an opportunity for scientific examination of the remains, and to re-evaluate the personal identification made nearly 140 years before. The current work, which is the first modern scientific analysis of a fairly complete skeleton associated with the Franklin voyage, describes the remains and the artefacts interred with them, discusses the pathological conditions present, and evaluates the personal identification using osteological techniques and isotope geochemistry. Results indicate that the remains are of an adult male of European ancestry. Alt疝ough some writers have suggested that scurvy or tuberculosis may have been important causes of morbidity and mortality on the Franklin expedition, osteological analysis and, in the case of tuberculosis, DNA analysis, provided no evidence for their presence in these remains. Isotopic studies indicate that the personal identification as Le Vesconte is unlikely to be correct. From the isotopic results and forensic facial reconstruction, HDS Goodsir, an assistant surgeon on the expedition, appears a more likely identification, but the results do not allow a firm conclusion.
机译:1845年,由约翰·富兰克林爵士(John Franklin)指挥的一次探险队着手尝试发现西北通道。这次不幸的旅程中的所有129人都死了。多年来,与这次探险的最后阵痛相关的骨骼遗骸一直位于加拿大北极地区努纳武特的威廉国王岛上及其附近。总的来说,即使对这些遗体进行暂定的身份证明也被证明是不可能的。一个例外是一些骨骼遗骸,这些遗骸在1869年被回收并带回英格兰,并埋葬在格林威治富兰克林探险队的纪念碑下。在19世纪,这些被初步确定为HMS Erebus的中尉之一Henry Le Vesconte,这一结论已被富兰克林航行研究广泛接受。 2009年对纪念碑的翻新工程提供了对遗体进行科学检查并重新评估将近140年前所作的个人身份证明的机会。当前的工作是对与富兰克林航行相关的相当完整的骨架的第一个现代科学分析,描述了遗骸和与之相关的人工制品,讨论了目前的病理状况,并使用骨科学技术和同位素地球化学评估了个人身份。结果表明,这些遗骸是欧洲血统的成年男性的遗骸。尽管有些作者认为,患有坏血病或结核病可能是富兰克林远征,骨科分析中发病率和死亡率的重要原因,但如果是结核病,则需进行DNA分析,但尚无证据表明它们存在于这些遗骸中。同位素研究表明,Le Vesconte的个人身份不太可能是正确的。根据同位素结果和法医面部重建,探险队的助理外科医生HDS Goodsir似乎更有可能被鉴定出来,但结果尚无定论。



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