首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >The Landes de Gascogne (southwest France): Periglacial desert and cultural frontier during the Palaeolithic

The Landes de Gascogne (southwest France): Periglacial desert and cultural frontier during the Palaeolithic

机译:Landes de Gascogne(法国西南部):旧石器时代的冰缘沙漠和文化边界

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During the last glacial period, a large part of the Aquitaine basin (southwest France) was a periglacial desert comprising coversands with low-relief dune fields surrounded by loess accumulations. OSL and radiocarbon dates show that the phase of maximum sand deposition coincides with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2. Peats and gleyic palaeosoils intercalated within the sands at some sites indicate that vegetation cover was able to develop locally during short events, possibly D-O interstadials, due to raised groundwater levels in interdunal depressions. Few Palaeolithic sites have been discovered in the coversand area in contrast to the peripheral loess region. Systematic survey along a future highway corridor demonstrates that this paucity of sites is not the result of insufficient survey nor deep site burial, but rather reflects an archaeological reality. This strongly suggests that the sand area was not attractive for hunter-gatherer populations due to its reduced levels of water resources, and available vegetation and animal biomass. The distribution of cultural markers such as art items and projectile points also shows that the coversand area probably acted as a barrier separating two different cultural sub-areas, one in the Pyrenees and Cantabria, the other in the Périgord. As a consequence, the commonly accepted view that southwest France, as a whole, served as a refugia during the cold and arid phases of the Pleistocene should be replaced by a more complex one that reflects the fact that a large part of the territory was almost unoccupied and that human populations were concentrated along alluvial valleys.
机译:在最后一个冰川时期,阿基坦大区(法国西南部)的大部分地区为冰川周沙漠,其覆盖层覆盖着低浮沙丘田,周围是黄土堆积物。 OSL和放射性碳测年表明,最大的沙沉积阶段与海洋同位素阶段(MIS)2相吻合。在某些地点,泥炭和斜方古土壤插在沙子中表明,植被覆盖在短时间可能在局部发育,可能是DO间生,由于际间洼地的地下水位升高。与外围黄土区域相比,在覆盖区中发现了很少的旧石器时代遗址。沿着未来的高速公路走廊进行的系统调查表明,这种稀少的地点不是调查不足或深埋墓地的结果,而是反映了考古学的现实。这有力地表明,由于该地区的水资源,可利用的植被和动物生物量减少,因此对猎人-采集者种群没有吸引力。文化标记(例如艺术品和抛射点)的分布还表明,覆盖区可能是分隔两个不同的文化子区域的屏障,一个在比利牛斯山和坎塔布里亚,另一个在佩里戈尔。因此,普遍认为法国西南部在更新世的寒冷和干旱阶段是避难所,这一观点应被更复杂的观点所取代,该观点反映了一个事实,即大部分领土几乎是无人居住,人口集中在冲积山谷。



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