首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Geophysics >Combination of electromagnetic, geophysical methods and sedimentological studies for the development of 3D models in alluvial sediments affected by karst (Ebro Basin, NE Spain)

Combination of electromagnetic, geophysical methods and sedimentological studies for the development of 3D models in alluvial sediments affected by karst (Ebro Basin, NE Spain)


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An integrated analysis was carried out in a selected quarry of the oldest terrace of the Ebro River, where a wide gravel unit is characterized by large-scale cross bedding outcrops. This unit has been interpreted as a lake with marginal deltas. Previous sedimentological studies have pointed out that braided rivers have dominated in the area during the Early Pleistocene. The presence of a lake, which in stable conditions (without subsidence) could be hardly developed in a braided fluvial setting, supports that a topographic depression pre-existed. The delta gravels suggest a depth of at least 5 m for this depression. Established models from broadband multifrequency electromagnetic survey and ground penetrating radar (GPR) show that the analyzed area was affected by a long-term karstic subsidence, which generated a doline field in which topographic depressions were filled by marls and marginal gravels, and subsequently affected byminor collapses during different subsidence reactivation episodes. A 3D model of the evolution and meaning of the doline field and its interaction with sedimentation has been developed. This model can be applied in other areas where high-resolution geophysical 3D models are difficult to establish because of the limitations of the geophysical surveys due to the presence of interbedded mudstones, subsiding depressions filled by human activities or near surface water levels.
机译:在埃布罗河最古老的梯田的一个选定的采石场进行了综合分析,那里的砾石单元很宽,以大规模的跨层露头为特征。该单元被解释为具有边际三角洲的湖泊。先前的沉积学研究指出,在早更新世期间,辫状河在该地区占主导地位。在辫状河床环境中几乎不可能发展出在稳定条件下(无沉降)的湖泊,这表明该地区已存在地形低洼。三角砾石表明该凹陷的深度至少为5 m。宽带多频电磁勘测和地面穿透雷达(GPR)建立的模型表明,分析区域受到长期岩溶沉降的影响,产生了一个line陷场,在该do陷场中,地形凹陷被泥灰岩和边缘砾石填充,随后受到了次要岩溶的影响。在不同的沉陷重新激活过程中崩溃。已经开发了3D模型,描述了Doline场的演变和意义及其与沉积的相互作用。该模型可用于其他地区,这些地区由于存在层间泥岩,下陷人类活动或接近地表水位而陷落的凹陷,由于地球物理勘测的局限性而难以建立高分辨率地球物理3D模型。



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