首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied physiology >Comments on Point:Counterpoint: The dominant contributor to systemic hypertension: Chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system vs. Activation of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system. Intrarenal angiotensin II generation as a hypertensinogenic mechanism.

Comments on Point:Counterpoint: The dominant contributor to systemic hypertension: Chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system vs. Activation of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system. Intrarenal angiotensin II generation as a hypertensinogenic mechanism.


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The importance of alterations in the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in human hypertension has long been supported by the effectiveness of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and ATI receptor blockers to reduce blood pressure and slow the associated organ damage (3). However, as mentioned by Esler et al. (2), often human hypertensive patients lack consistent signs of systemic RAS activation (1). How can we reconcile such discrepancy? We would argue that the answer resides in alterations of tissue-specific RAS like the one in the kidneys. In support of this, recent clinical studies suggest that urinary angiotensinogen is increased in hypertensive subjects (6). If that holds true, blocking the enzymes responsible for intrarenal ANG II generation, like ACE, should therefore reduce blood pressure levels. On the other hand, enhancing intrarenal ACE activity should cause hypertension. We have generated evidence in favor of both cases.
机译:长期以来,血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂和ATI受体阻滞剂降低血压并减慢相关器官损害的有效性一直支持着肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)改变在人类高血压中的重要性。但是,正如Esler等人所述。 (2),人类高血压患者通常缺乏持续的全身性RAS激活迹象(1)。我们如何调和这种差异?我们认为,答案在于组织特异性RAS的改变,如肾脏中的RAS。为此,最近的临床研究表明,高血压受试者的尿血管紧张素原增加(6)。如果这是真的,那么阻断与ACE一样的负责肾内ANG II生成的酶应因此降低血压水平。另一方面,增强肾内ACE活性会引起高血压。我们已经找到了支持这两种情况的证据。



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