首页> 外文期刊>Journal of aging & pharmacotherapy >The Long Term Care Challenge: A View from West Virginia

The Long Term Care Challenge: A View from West Virginia


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While the potential financial drain of providing Long Term Care (LTC) to the aging baby boomers is an issue of considerable concern to government and health care decision-makers, in general it appears to be a "non-issue" to much of mainstream America. To assess the level of knowledge/understanding and financial preparation for LTC among the "baby-boomers" in the state of West Virginia, the researchers mailed a 24-item survey to 900 residents born between 1946 and 1964. The outcome of the survey and analysis suggests that the typical West Virginia "baby-boomer" possesses little knowledge/information about the cost, funding or alternative strategies for providing nursing home care.
机译:虽然为衰老的婴儿潮一代提供长期护理(LTC)的潜在资金浪费是政府和医疗保健决策者相当关注的问题,但总体上看,这对于美国大部分主流国家来说都是“非问题” 。为了评估西弗吉尼亚州“婴儿潮一代”中LTC的知识/理解水平和财务准备状况,研究人员向24个项目进行了邮寄调查,调查对象是1946年至1964年之间出生的900名居民。分析表明,典型的西弗吉尼亚州“婴儿潮”对提供养老院护理的费用,资金或其他策略几乎一无所知。



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