首页> 外文期刊>Journal of anxiety disorders >Interpretive style and intolerance of uncertainty in individuals with anxiety disorders: A focus on generalized anxiety disorder

Interpretive style and intolerance of uncertainty in individuals with anxiety disorders: A focus on generalized anxiety disorder


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Interpretations of negative, positive, and ambiguous situations were examined in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), other anxiety disorders (ANX), and no psychiatric condition (CTRL). Additionally, relationships between specific beliefs about uncertainty (Uncertainty Has Negative Behavioral and Self-Referent Implications [IUS-NI], and Uncertainty Is Unfair and Spoils Everything [IUS-US]) and interpretations were explored. The first hypothesis (that the clinical groups would report more concern for negative, positive, and ambiguous situations than would the CTRL group) was supported. The second hypothesis (that the GAD group would report more concern for ambiguous situations than would the ANX group) was not supported; both groups reported similar levels of concern for ambiguous situations. Exploratory analyses revealed no differences between the GAD and ANX groups in their interpretations of positive and negative situations. Finally, the IUS-US predicted interpretations of negative and ambiguous situations in the full sample, whereas the IUS-NI did not. Clinical implications are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在患有广泛性焦虑症(GAD),其他焦虑症(ANX)和无精神病(CTRL)的个体中检查阴性,阳性和模棱两可情况的解释。此外,还探讨了关于不确定性的特定信念(不确定性具有负面的行为和自指含义[IUS-NI],不确定性不公平并且破坏了一切[IUS-US])之间的关系和解释。支持第一个假设(与CTRL组相比,临床组对阴性,阳性和模棱两可的情况的关注程度更高)。第二个假设(GAD小组比ANX小组报告对歧义情况的担忧更多)不被支持;两组报告对歧义情况的关注程度相似。探索性分析显示,GAD和ANX组在对正面和负面情况的解释上没有差异。最后,IUS-US预测了整个样本中对消极和歧义情况的解释,而IUS-NI则没有。临床意义进行了讨论。 (C)2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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