首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied biobehavioral research >Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Intrusive Thoughts, and Disruption Are Longitudinally Related to Elevated Cortisol and Catecholamines Following a Major Hurricane

Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Intrusive Thoughts, and Disruption Are Longitudinally Related to Elevated Cortisol and Catecholamines Following a Major Hurricane


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using a community sample (N = 111) of hurricane survivors. Elevated posttraumatic stress symptoms (intrusive and avoidant thoughts) and stress hormones that initially were twice normal control values decreased significantly over time and returned to levels of non-hurricane controls by the end of the year. In contrast to previous reports, suggesting low cortisol in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), our sample had elevated cortisol, perhaps due to the nature of the trauma (i.e., natural disaster vs. crime, rape or war), our timing, or getting samples a few months after the event. In addition, the decrease in stress hormones over the year (cortisol and epinephrine [E]) was related to a decrease in psychological symptoms of trauma. Cortisol and norepinephrine (NE) were both related to the hurricane experience as well (damage and rebuilding; damage and disruption). Gender differences showed women reported more distress, but men had higherNEand cortisol. Finally, cortisol correlated most consistently both cross sectionally and longitudinally with reported days ill.
机译:使用飓风幸存者的社区样本(N = 111)。创伤后的紧张症状(侵入性和回避的想法)升高和应激激素最初是正常对照值的两倍,随着时间的推移,显着下降,并在今年年底恢复到非飓风对照水平。与以前的报告相反,提示创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)中的皮质醇水平较低,我们的样本皮质醇水平升高,这可能是由于创伤的性质(即自然灾害与犯罪,强奸或战争),我们的时机或活动结束后几个月的样本。此外,一年中压力激素(皮质醇和肾上腺素[E])的减少与创伤心理症状的减少有关。皮质醇和去甲肾上腺素(NE)也都与飓风的经历有关(破坏和重建;破坏和破坏)。性别差异表明,女性报告的痛苦更大,而男性的NE和皮质醇更高。最后,皮质醇在横截面和纵向上与报告的患病天数最一致。



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