首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Aquaculture >Growth Differences Among Stocks of Yellow Perch, Percaflavescens, Are Temperature Dependent

Growth Differences Among Stocks of Yellow Perch, Percaflavescens, Are Temperature Dependent


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In a series of studies, growth and chemical composition of yellow perch, Percaflavescens, originating from different stocks were compared. Juvenile yellow perch from Lake Mendota, Wisconsin were acquired in each year of four years and compared to stocks from Green Bay, Wisconsin; Pennsylvania; North Carolina; or Nebraska. Quadruplicate groups of each stock were cultured at 16deg C, 22deg C, or 28deg C and fed a standard diet. Weight gain offish from Lake Mendota at 16deg C was significantly lower inthree of the four years, and feed conversion ratio was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in two of the four years compared to other fish stocks. At 22deg C, weight gain offish from Pennsylvania was significantly higher than that of fish from Lake Mendota;other differences were not detected. Feed conversion ratio offish from Lake Mendota cultured at 22deg C was significantly higher than that of other stocks in three of the four years. Weight gain offish from North Carolina was significantly higher than that of fish from Lake Mendota when cultured at 28deg C. Feed conversion ratio of fish from Lake Mendota was significantly higher in two of the four years when cultured at 28deg C. Whole-body lipid, moisture, and ash concentrations of yellow perch were significantly different; however, there were no clear trends in these data. If yellow perch are grown in stable thermal conditions such as indoor tank culture systems, perch with a proven record of good growth should be considered. If yellow perch are grownin outdoor culture systems, local stocks or those from similar latitudes should be considered because they experience the same thermal conditions.
机译:在一系列研究中,比较了来自不同种群的黄鲈(Percaflavescens)的生长和化学成分。威斯康星州门多塔湖的幼年黄色鲈鱼在四年中每年获得一次,并与威斯康星州格林贝的种群进行了比较。宾夕法尼亚州北卡罗来纳;或内布拉斯加州。将每种储备液一式四份地在16℃,22℃或28℃下培养并喂养标准饮食。与其他鱼类种群相比,在四年中的三年中,门多塔湖在16℃下鱼的体重增加显着降低,并且在四年中的两年中饲料转化率显着更高(P <0.05)。在22摄氏度时,宾夕法尼亚州鱼类的增重明显高于门多塔湖鱼类的增重;未发现其他差异。在四年中的三年中,在22摄氏度下养殖的门多塔湖鱼的饲料转化率显着高于其他种群。在28℃养殖时,北卡罗莱纳州鱼的增重明显高于Mendota湖中的鱼。在28℃下养殖的四年中,Mendota湖中鱼的饲料转化率显着更高。水分和黄鲈的灰分浓度显着不同;但是,这些数据没有明确的趋势。如果黄色鲈鱼在稳定的温度条件下(例如室内水箱养殖系统)生长,则应考虑已证明具有良好生长记录的鲈鱼。如果在室外养殖系统中种植黄色鲈鱼,则应考虑当地种群或来自类似纬度的种群,因为它们经历相同的热条件。



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