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Susceptibility of cool-season grasses to greenbug biotypes


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The development of host plant resistant cereals has been used to limit the damage by greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum Rondani. The success of this strategy has been challenged by the occurrence of resistance-breaking biotypes. The dominant theory suggests that biotype development in this aphid may be driven by the planting of resistant cultivars of cereal grains. However, there are only a few reports examining the interaction of greenbug with native grasses despite the potentially important role they may have in driving the development, and in the harboring of as yet unknown biotypes of greenbugs. Therefore, we investigated the host suitability of eight species of range grasses to determine if any of them may have played a role in the development of greenbug biotypes. These species of grasses are grown on rangeland, pasture, roadsides, and some of them are used in reclamation projects in the Plains states. All entries supported populations of greenbug biotypes and sustained plant damage after a 7 d confinement period. Although wheat, Triticum aestivum L., supported higher greenbug numbers compared with the grasses for most biotypes, some of the grasses suffered equal or more plant damage than wheat. One of the most significant differences among the biotypes occurred with Canada bluegrass, Poa compressa L. Greenbug biotype F adults cultured on Canada bluegrass produced significantly more nymphs than the other biotypes and inflicted a significantly higher damage rating. This damage, which was ultimately lethal, was also observed in all of the species of wheatgrass and mountain brome when challenged with any greenbug biotype. These results suggest that the development of greenbug biotype F is driven by native grasses. While this study did not reveal other grass species that were diagnostic for the other biotypes, these results suggest that a more detailed survey of other cool and warm season grass species would reveal similar results.
机译:寄主植物抗性谷物的开发已被用来限制绿虫Schizaphis graminum Rondani的损害。这种策略的成功已经受到抗性破坏生物型的挑战。占主导地位的理论表明,该蚜虫的生物型发育可能是由谷物抗性品种的种植驱动的。然而,只有少数报告检查了绿虫与本地草的相互作用,尽管它们可能在驱动植物的发展以及藏匿尚未被认识的绿虫生物型中发挥重要作用。因此,我们调查了八种草丛的寄主适应性,以确定它们是否在绿虫生物型的发展中发挥了作用。这些草种在牧场,牧场,路边生长,其中一些在平原州的填海工程中使用。在7天的限制期后,所有条目均支持绿虫生物型种群和持续的植物损害。尽管与大多数生物型草相比,小麦Triesum aestivum L.所支持的绿虫数量更高,但某些草遭受的损害与小麦相同或更多。生物型之间最显着的差异之一是加拿大蓝草(Poa compressa L)。在加拿大蓝草上培养的Greenbug生物型F成人比其他生物型产生更多的若虫,并造成更高的伤害等级。当受到任何绿虫生物型的攻击时,在所有种类的小麦草和山in中也观察到了这种最终致命的损害。这些结果表明,Greenbug生物型F的发展是由天然草驱动的。尽管这项研究没有发现可诊断其他生物类型的其他草种,但这些结果表明,对其他凉爽和暖季草种进行更详细的调查也会发现相似的结果。



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