
Food away from home and obesity in Brazil


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to characterize food consumption outside the home and verify the existence of relationships between income, expenditure and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in adult individuals in Brazil.Design/methodology/approach - Food expenditure data were used as well as those on the prevalence of overweight and obesity available in the reports from Family Budgets Research carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) inthe years 2002-2003 and 2008-2009. In addition, the authors used the Kruskall-Wallis test to verify whether there were significant differences between the classes of income with respect to the average expenditure on food outside the home.Findings - It was observed that the higher the income of the individual, the greater the expenditure on food outside the home. It was also found that the prevalence of overweight and obesity is higher in individuals who have higher income, particularly among men. Thus, it is suggested that the higher the income of the individual, the larger the expenditure on food outside the home and the greater the prevalence of overweight and obesity.Research limitations/implications - This study used spending on food away from home (FAFH), but the authors know that is need to use other variables like frequency of FAFH and quantities but this data were not available.Practical implications - The study points to the importance of restaurants in the prevention of obesity, since they can offer in their menus foods with fewer calories, and they can also increase the variety and availability of fruits and vegetables.Originality/value The study discusses the public health problem, obesity, at the same time as it presents the importance of agribusiness in providing a balanced diet for individuals.
机译:目的-本文的目的是表征家庭外的食物消费量,并验证巴西成年人的收入,支出与超重和肥胖率之间的关系是否存在。设计/方法/方法-使用食物支出数据作为以及巴西地理与统计研究所(IBGE)在2002-2003年和2008-2009年进行的家庭预算研究报告中有关超重和肥胖发生率的数据。此外,作者还使用Kruskall-Wallis检验检验了收入类别与家庭外食品平均支出之间是否存在显着差异。发现-人们发现,个人收入越高,增加家外食物支出。还发现,在收入较高的个人中,特别是在男性中,超重和肥胖的患病率较高。因此,建议人们的收入越高,在家庭以外的食物上的支出就越大,并且超重和肥胖的患病率也就越高。研究局限/含义-这项研究使用了在家庭以外的食物上的支出(FAFH) ,但作者知道需要使用其他变量,例如FAFH的频率和数量,但此数据尚不可用。实际意义-这项研究指出了饭店在预防肥胖中的重要性,因为饭店可以在菜单中提供食物原创性/价值这项研究讨论了公共卫生问题,肥胖,同时它提出了农业综合企业在为个人提供均衡饮食方面的重要性。



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