首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Anthropological Research >The lost world of Monticello - An evolutionary perspective

The lost world of Monticello - An evolutionary perspective


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This essay explores how an evolutionary perspective can help historical archaeologists use archaeological evidence to further our understanding of historical dynamics associated with the global demographic expansions of Europeans and Africans that began in the late fifteenth century. It sketches evolutionary models for some of the economic and social strategies of free and enslaved people that created a slave society in the Chesapeake region in the seventeenth century and conditioned its historical trajectory up to the Civil War. Those strategies informed the choices made by Thomas Jefferson as he developed Monticello Plantation around 1770. Evolutionary models offer tools to unravel the historical significance of subsequent change in slave and elite housing, slave settlement patterns, and agricultural ecology, documented in the archaeological record at Monticello and the region.
机译:本文探讨了进化的观点如何帮助历史考古学家使用考古证据来进一步理解与15世纪末开始的欧洲人和非洲人的全球人口膨胀有关的历史动态。它勾勒出一些自由和被奴役者的经济和社会战略的进化模型,这些战略在十七世纪在切萨皮克地区创建了奴隶社会,并将其历史轨迹调整为内战。这些策略为托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)在1770年左右开发蒙蒂塞洛种植园时做出的选择提供了依据。进化模型提供了工具,揭示了蒙蒂塞洛的考古记录中记载的奴隶和精英住房,奴隶定居方式和农业生态的后续变化的历史意义。和该地区。



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