首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Feed intake, average daily gain, feed efficiency, and real-time ultrasound traits in Duroc pigs: I. Genetic parameter estimation and accuracy of genomic prediction.

Feed intake, average daily gain, feed efficiency, and real-time ultrasound traits in Duroc pigs: I. Genetic parameter estimation and accuracy of genomic prediction.


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The efficiency of producing salable products in the pork industry is largely determined by costs associated with feed and by the amount and quality of lean meat produced. The objectives of this paper were (1) to explore heritability and genetic correlations for growth, feed efficiency, and real-time ultrasound traits using both pedigree and marker information and (2) to assess accuracy of genomic prediction for those traits using Bayes A prediction models in a Duroc terminal sire population. Body weight at birth (BW at birth) and weaning (BW at weaning) and real-time ultrasound traits, including back fat thickness (BF), muscle depth (MD), and intramuscular fat content (IMF), were collected on the basis of farm protocol. Individual feed intake and serial BW records of 1,563 boars obtained from feed intake recording equipment (FIRE; Osborne Industries Inc., Osborne, KS) were edited to obtain growth, feed intake, and feed efficiency traits, including ADG, ADFI, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and residual feed intake (RFI). Correspondingly, 1,047 boars were genotyped using the Illumina PorcineSNP60 BeadChip. The remaining 516 boars, as an independent sample, were genotyped with a low-density GGP-Porcine BeadChip and imputed to 60K. Magnitudes of heritability from pedigree analysis were moderate for growth, feed intake, and ultrasound traits (ranging from 0.44 +or- 0.11 for ADG to 0.58 +or- 0.09 for BF); heritability estimates were 0.32 +or- 0.09 for FCR but only 0.10 +or- 0.05 for RFI. Comparatively, heritability estimates using marker information by Bayes A models were about half of those from pedigree analysis, suggesting "missing heritability." Moderate positive genetic correlations between growth and feed intake (0.32 +or- 0.05) and back fat (0.22 +or- 0.04), as well as negative genetic correlations between growth and feed efficiency traits (-0.21 +or- 0.08, -0.05 +or- 0.07), indicate selection solely on growth traits may lead to an undesirable increase in feed intake, back fat, and reduced feed efficiency. Genetic correlations among growth, feed intake, and FCR assessed by a multiple-trait Bayes A model resulted in increased genetic correlation between ADG and ADFI, a negative correlation between ADFI and FCR, and a positive correlation between ADG and FCR. Accuracies of genomic prediction for the traits investigated, ranging from 9.4% for RFI to 36.5% for BF, were reported that might provide new insight into pig breeding and future selection programs using genomic information
机译:猪肉行业生产可销售产品的效率在很大程度上取决于饲料成本以及所生产的瘦肉的数量和质量。本文的目的是(1)使用谱系和标记信息探索生长,饲料效率和实时超声性状的遗传力和遗传相关性;(2)使用贝叶斯A预测评估这些性状的基因组预测准确性杜洛克末代父亲种群中的模型。在此基础上收集出生时的体重(出生时的体重)和断奶时的体重(断奶时的体重)以及实时超声特征,包括背部脂肪厚度(BF),肌肉深度(MD)和肌内脂肪含量(IMF)。服务器场协议。编辑了从采食记录设备(FIRE;奥斯本工业公司,堪萨斯州奥斯本)获得的1,563头公猪的单个采食量和连续体重记录,以获得生长,采食量和饲料效率特征,包括ADG,ADFI,饲料转化率(FCR)和剩余饲料摄入量(RFI)。相应地,使用Illumina PorcineSNP60 BeadChip对1,047头公猪进行了基因分型。剩下的516头公猪,作为独立样本,用低密度GGP-Porcine BeadChip进行基因分型,并估算到60K。系谱分析的遗传力大小适中,适合生长,采食量和超声特征(ADG为0.44±0.11,BF为0.58±0.09)。 FCR的遗传力估计值为0.32±0.09,而RFI仅为0.10±0.05。相比之下,使用贝叶斯A模型的标记信息进行的遗传力估算大约是血统分析估算值的一半,表明“遗传力缺失”。生长和采食量(0.32 +或-0.05)和背脂肪(0.22 +或-0.04)之间的中等正遗传相关,以及生长和饲料效率性状之间的负遗传相关(-0.21 +或-0.08,-0.05 +或-0.07)表示仅根据生长性状进行选择可能会导致采食量增加,背脂增加和饲料效率降低。通过多性状贝叶斯A模型评估的生长,饲料采食量和FCR之间的遗传相关性导致ADG和ADFI之间的遗传相关性增加,ADFI和FCR之间的负相关性以及ADG和FCR之间的正相关性。据报道,所研究性状的基因组预测准确性从RFI的9.4%到BF的36.5%不等,这可能会为使用基因组信息的猪育种和未来选择计划提供新的见解



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